Am I weird for this ?

Do you think it's stupid, when I never go to the canteen of my school, while others do?

I'm always standing at the hallway wiating for the class alone until they come
and they always say, You're always first, they didn't ask me why i dont visit the canteen though

I always go to sit in the toilets and listen to music... Or play games on my PS vita.. or text w/ girlfriend or coach..

I feel difficult :$ I can get judged even more :$

I go to the stores at the long break though... But I walk alone :')


Well-known member
It's not weird, I was the same in college. I went home (since it was close) whenever I could or when the break wasn't long I would just sit somewhere and eat something/have a smoke. I too would always be first to wait by the classroom.


Well-known member
To be honest,if I was in your class I would've noticed you missing all the time at the canteen ,I don't know if I would consider you a weirdo but it will catch my attention.But lucky that's just me :D,I'm usually the first one who notice stuff(like somebody missing) ,the majority of people are completely oblivious to those kind of details.
Anyway ,why don't you join your class at the canteen?What is the reason?


Well-known member
One of the reason I used to hate breaks, luckily for my, my program is about computers, so it makes sense for me to be in front of one during breaks
To be honest,if I was in your class I would've noticed you missing all the time at the canteen ,I don't know if I would consider you a weirdo but it will catch my attention.But lucky that's just me :D,I'm usually the first one who notice stuff(like somebody missing) ,the majority of people are completely oblivious to those kind of details.
Anyway ,why don't you join your class at the canteen?What is the reason?

The reason is the FULL CROWDED canteen.

I do like the people, it's just I get frozen over there. But I try occassionally but mostly I'm hid in the cabines or I'm outside, just in the cold freezing on the other hand. Which I prefer then. o_O but not.


Well-known member
Is that considered weird?
I don't think it is... you don't have to do anything you don't want to unless you're going to lengths and standing in a hallway for hours, waiting for your class... then that's a little strange. haha

But-- if there's an area you don't like to go because it's crowded, you can find another area to go and sit.

In college, I used to go to the side gardens at lunchtime to do homework and play guitar. No one else ever went back there... except for a few times when people followed me secretly to see what I was doing; thinking I was wandering off alone to do drugs or something. :rolleyes:
Nope. Just going to my secret place!

Maybe you could find one, too?
...perhaps somewhere a little more sterile than a bathroom?


Well-known member
I guess I was lucky in that respect, my high school didn't have a canteen so we could eat lunch wherever we wanted.