am i the only genuine article


Well-known member
I hope u are not saying that all others don't have SP and u r the only one with a genuine problem. Look hard enough and you will find people better off and worse off than you.

Having said that I know what you mean. Some people complain and then they go on talk about their siginificant others, friends or boast by posting pics of them with their friends.

Maybe these people in their mind might have a sizable problem.

Reminds me of a good quote by someone called Videotape here.
"lol 'can't ejaculate in front of others(?)'. i can barely walk in front of others(!)."

What bugs me the the most about this is that these people are the poeple that must be counted when researchers quote that 7% have SP/SAD. Non-SPics seem to think that a large number of the population of people have it and seem to function ok, so this must be a minor problem. They wonder why we complain.

I sure as hell don't think 7% of the population go through crap some of us here go through. I sure has hell don't think that 7% of the population have never had a partner (by 25 or so), have struggled to earn a living, have quite jobs over social anxiety, lied about going out or stayed indoors days at a time.



Well-known member
:roll: This reminds me of the 'why can't women like nice guys?' threads...

It's all just perception...there is no 'better' or 'worse' it's all in your mind. Some people are gravely ill, or have severe deformities yet they are happy. Life is not a competition, people are just doing the best they can with what they have.

Take responsibility for your life. YOU got yourself to this point, somehow, and only you have the power to change things. That's the truth.


Well-known member
I know I'm late to this thread but to answer you:

LonelyLoser said:
ppl complain about how much their lives suck and how lonely they are, and then they go……oh and my girlfriend/boyfriend this and that,

There is a lot of potential for anxiety within a relationship. Just because you have somebody to call girl/boyfriend it doesn't mean you become immune from social anxiety. As anybody who's ever been cheated on.

friends teasing me of how I dance……….contradicts the whole purpose of their post

Not really - if they're anxious about an interaction between them and their friends... they're experiencing social anxiety.

They have got somebody to back them up and make them feel better after a bad day

Bah - try having a bullying partner.

sometimes I feel I absolutely have no one and have to face bigger struggles of everyday life by myself bigger than most. I feel so alone with not just one issue but so many issues I'm going through.

Many of us feel that way, and all feelings are valid. But for as long as you insist that you're the only 'real deal' here, you won't find a solution. If someone here says that they can go out... then they're the ideal person to ask how it's done. Try it. The best way to get the results you want is by mimicry. I did that and it worked for me.

Im sorry for being selfish and being sorry for myself. I can't help it anymore Im sick of its just always me only had to happen to me all the f***** time. Im sick of the fact that so many ppls lives are so easy they can do anything and have anything they want.

Don't forget to remember the others who feel the same. SA isn't an absolute, remember: you don't either have it or not. It comes in degrees.

Again, this is not an attack, it is meant to be a help.