Am i just being over sensative?


Well-known member
Danfalc said:
Me and this girl have been talking to each other for ages... we both really care about each other alot and i feel like shes my soul mate,weve only spoke over the net but when we met we just clicked and were planning on meeting soon.

Thing is she went to a party a week ago,she asked me if i minded her going to the party.. because we both have social phobia and we both get insecure and jelous easy,but i didnt mind cos at the end of the day i want her to be happy and get on wid her life sorta thing.And i dont wanna be one of those guys who tries to be controlling.

Anyway she went to the party.. and we were having a chat and i said i was worried about us because things have been difficult recently... mainly because of me being ill.She asked if i was upset over the photos or cos of the party and said she wouldof got jelous aswell... and i was like what photos?She was on about some she put up on facebook and said she would understand if i was upset.And im thinking if you understand the pics would upset me.... why put em up?

Anyway in a couple of photos she with some guy... sorta lay in his lap :? with his arms round her :( I dunno if im just being insecure or over sensative but it really hurts me to see her in some other guys arms when i cant even touch her yet :( I dont know if i should say anything cos i dont wanna make thing worse.But shes got insecure about me just speaking to girls and stuff so she must of known the pictures would hurt me.Anyway any advice would be appreciated.

If i were you, i would probably be a little upset too. You could just politely inquire as to who the guy was and just let her explain her time at the party. But i might not be anything to worry about.
Well, the good thing I would say is at least she did tell you about it, and try to hide it all together. What I don't understand though is the posting of the pictures, especially if she knew you would see them, I don't that is okay to do. That sounds like something show-offy to do, just to get other people to see. I would get really jealous over soemthing like that too, so I do not think you're over sensitive. And If you don't mind me asking, have you ever met her in real life? Anyways I hope things get sorted out between you two soon :D.


Active member
it wasnt very sensitive of her to post the pic of her with the other guy. she might have wanted to test to see if you'd be jealous, to know what you feel for her. i think it sounds like this girl could really hurt you, and if its not too late, be careful about getting too emotionally involved. its not a good sign, that she did that. being sensitive yourself, you need someone who makes you feel secure, which i dont think this girl would. theres some kind of message in her posting that pic. be very careful not to let her mess with your head. all the best.


akele said:
it wasnt very sensitive of her to post the pic of her with the other guy. she might have wanted to test to see if you'd be jealous, to know what you feel for her. i think it sounds like this girl could really hurt you, and if its not too late, be careful about getting too emotionally involved. its not a good sign, that she did that. being sensitive yourself, you need someone who makes you feel secure, which i dont think this girl would. theres some kind of message in her posting that pic. be very careful not to let her mess with your head. all the best.

Thanks for ya input everyone But this is sommat i should of spoke to her about first i guess.Now ive made tings worse cos shes seen this post :(

And @akele ta for ya message,it is kinda too late cos im not just emotionaly involved.. I love this girl to bits.And to be fair ive kinda made her look totaly bad by what ive posted :? Which isnt fair... cos she has stood by me for like 3 years and supported me so much and doesnt deserved to be judged by one thing,and now ive made her sound really bad,when really i should appreciate im lucky to have her. :?

So yeah ignrore my stupid posts :(