I laughed out loud honestly. There is SOOOO much evidence that ecstasy causes permanent damage. That's the one thing keeping a lot of people back from trying it, including myself. It's also why it's relatively unpopular (compared to other drugs anyway). I don't care about some random dude's opinion. I care about what science has to say, because science doesn't deal with just one random ecstasy user. It deals with a lot... usually hundreds per study.
For a review about ecstasy, see:
Author(s): Gold, Mark S. ; Tabrah, Haleh ; Frost-Pineda, Kimberly
Title: Psychopharmacology of MDMA (Ecstasy).
Source: Psychiatric Annals Special Issue: Contemporary issues in addiction psychiatry. Vol 31(11) (Nov 2001): 675-681
Oh yea, did you know in the long-term ecstasy makes you more aggressive? Wait, I guess that's pretty obvious to you isn't it.
You're right about me being a square though, so +10 points for you.
Oh, so you're a man of science are you? You are basing these nuggets of wisdom of yours on indisputable scientific fact in the truckloads, huh? You must know so much about MDMA that some "random drug dude" can't possibly have anything significant to say, can he? You're arrogance and ignorance astounds me.
First of all, it is usually the drug users themselves who know way more about the substances they are injesting than those self-righteous drug warriors, like yourself, who pretend to be experts but really only spew out pre-processed crap they've heard a thousand times from the government, their families, and their ill-informed friends.
Did you know, for example, that the famous "holes in the brain" campaign against MDMA was based on a completely faulty study? This DEA-financed study, which has led to the unfortunately ubiquitous notion that MDMA causes actual "holes" in the brain, had numerous methodological flaws. Also, the drug that was injected into the rats whose brains are shown in the anti-MDMA ads was actually methamphetamine, a significantly more neurotoxic agent than MDMA. Did you also know that before the DEA hastily made MDMA a Schedule I drug that it was used by psychotherapists in marriage counseling, PTSD, etc.?
Psychiatry was astounded as to its ability to enable honest and thoughtful introspection, and, because of the state of complete self-acceptance it induces, to allow patients with fearful or troubling emotional histories to look at their trauma in a new light, without fear and with unconditional positive self regard.
If antioxidants and the appropriate vitamins are taken during the course of the MDMA experience, and 5-HTP, a vitamin supplement and precursor to serotonin, is taken as you start to come down, any free radical based neurotoxicity (the type of neurotoxicity I'm sure all of your so-called "evidence" on permanent brain damage is based) is made negligible. There are, however, a few precautions that any MDMA user should take.
First of all, pills should ALWAYS be tested (kits can be found online -- they are legal to possess so don't worry), there are many many adulterated pills out there and you want to make sure yours contains only MDMA. Second, you shouldn't injest MDMA more than once a month. This gives your brain time to re-reguate and prevents a build up of tolerance. Increasing your frequency of use any more than this is generally a bad idea, you will eventually not even be able to get high off the MDMA, and when you do the highs will be shorter and lack the empatheogenic qualities.
A final note on MDMA and its relation to social phobia: I've used MDMA 5 times in the past 6 months. The first time was a cathartic awakening for me. Its effect on my social anxiety, specifically my ability to converse casually with girls, was absolutely amazing. For the first time, I felt completely at ease in a large party-like atmosphere. And this was different from alcohol. Alcohol "cures" my social anxiety by simply making me think less, I'm in my own head less and am therefore able to socialize and remain attentive more easily. MDMA, however, made me feel whole, like all my mental faculties were serving me and filling me up with such a beautiful, fuzzy feeling of love, like an overwhelming feeling of "Everything is going to be all right, you never have to be afraid, never ever, there is nothing to fear." And with this complete feeling of security and self-love, empathy and personal warmth and sociability was able to ooze out of my being, and I had one of the best times I've ever had at that party. It was eye opening that I could feel like that and enjoy myself at an event I so typically associated with fear and extreme discomfort. It was life changing, so before you get all puritan drug warrior on me, you should either try the drug out yourself, or get more objective information on the chemical and its effects before you post acting like you know what you're talking about. Thanks.