Advice please :'(


I've had therapy, but my therapist told us that she can't do anything anymore because my problems are too ''complex''.
Now i'm still a part of their instantion of help, and they won't refer me to another instantion because they won't admit that they failed.
Of course we are really thankful that they have tried to help, but we really want ( my parents and I) that I will find another instantion.
I have a autism disorder ( MCDD ) and I have social phobia.
I have panic attacks, and I am really insecure.
My mom is calling and calling to instantions, but the waiting list are mostly 1 year. But I don't wanna spent another 3 years fighting with no hope.
We really have to beg them for help.. Its ridicilus ::(:

Advice is really appreciated..
xxxx Saskia

Well-known member
If it's a case of them refusing to refer you somewhere else, or at the very least being reluctant to do so, you could either say that you'll make a formal complaint to the relevant authority. That might make them sit up and get things moving again for you.

And stick yourself down on some of the other waiting lists for the time being, you might as well do that now and if something comes up and they have an opening sooner than they thought, your name is already down.


To be honest I don't believe much in doctors or psychiatrists.. I don't think they really care about the people. Can be exceptions there of course, some of them do it really as a mission but this is not a rule. So I think I do best take care of myself :), my condition is incurable anyway. Sometimes I even think is more helpful to find any person (doesn't have to be a professional shrink) who you can talk to and who understands you, it can do you a similar service. At least they're not biased into stuffing you with pills etc.


Super Moderator
Your problems are not too complex, she is just too stupid. I suggest you to keep trying. Some therapists actually care about their patients and want to help. Sometimes it takes time to find these good ones, but is not impossible.
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Well-known member
Your problems are not too complex, she is just too stupid. I suggest you to keep trying. Some therapists actually care about their patients and want to help. Sometimes it takes time to find these good ones, but is not impossible.
Well said................

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
you know yourself best and you will be able to help yourself better than any therapist. really i quit therapy a few months ago, and things got a lot better for me, probably because i no longer had anyone reminding me how "complex" i am. there are many books about panic attacks and anxiety that you can read for exercises to practice. i've gone to a fair number of "professionals" and truely they dont know any more about life than the rest of us. be your own therapist.

i dont know if this will help you, but from my experience these things are most helpful:

dont EVER compare yourself to normal people, or to anyone at all
just focus on improving on mandatory things like grocery shopping, going to the bank, dont worry about parties or friends.
pretend you dont have social anxiety
plan on making an idiot out of yourself
as far as being insecure goes and low self esteem, you really have to stop thinking about it, its like smoking, addictive, pointless, and bad for you
i know, nothing enlightening in that list, and i wish i could follow my own advice, but you really really have to allow yourself to just completely screw up and get on with it. me and you both probably!
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Well-known member
i hate to hear stuff like this =/ i was fortunate enough to find a great therapist on my first try.. she's not a medical doctor or anything, she's a registered nurse with a few other psychology degrees and EXPERIENCE! she's at a non-profit type organization that i guess is sponsored by a church or something, lol.. she helps me learn about and work on my issues, rather than just tell me what's wrong with me... anyway, do your best to keep looking for someone who is interested in helping you learn about your disorders and work through them. until then, maybe look into some good books to read? i have a book called "when panic attacks" by dr. david burns, and i really like it! i haven't read through it all yet, but there is a lot of good information in there to better help you understand what's going on, and ways to try to overcome it. i wish you the best of luck, and really reccommend that book to you! :) just don't give up your fight, the best thing you can do is keep trying, even if you don't think you're getting anywhere, you're getting A LOT further than you would be if you gave up, giving up only sets you back further and further.. best wishes! :)