Accepting That I'm Like This


Active member
I'm sorry this is long, but I think out of anyone in my life, someone here is most likely to understand how I feel.

Recently I've come under a lot of pressure from my family and family in laws because I just left a respectable job. They don't know why and it's hard to say "Oh dealing with customers every day makes me want to jump off a cliff and I got panic attacks every day on the way there." My husband and I don't need extra money, so working with the constant anxiety and depression was not worth it to me. But now it looks as though I lost the respect of the family.

My In-laws are all about money and careers, that is all that matters to them. They never have tried to get to know ME, all they ask is "Where are you working? What career are you going for?" or ask nosy questions about why I left the military which was because of the constant anxiety and abuse (I was sexually assaulted twice in the military and told I wasn't allowed to tell anyone, so yeah I didn't feel safe there). My family wants me to be happy, but as outgoing people, don't understand why I am happy as a clam being in my house all day and not going out in public much.

Of course, I will try to find a career with animals or nature where I can help with money and not deal with people, I'm not a deadbeat I just want to do what is healthy for me.

So then I stumbled across this website when looking for jobs that shy people can do. I couldn't believe other people felt how I did! I have been chastised by my family and husband for not wanting to go to parties or the mall when it's crowded or for not being talkative with strangers like they are, my whole life I was made to feel like I was a reject.

I am doing something big today, I am accepting myself for who I am. I don't like to be out partying in groups of people, I don't like customer service or having to deal with people cussing me out and being rude all day just to please my in laws with a career. I am a smart person, who is happy at home with my cat and computer and gym, I'm healthy and happy and love my family. I don't need to be outgoing and force myself to be like everyone else. I've tried, over and over to put myself out there, to stick to jobs, to take the abuse. And all it did was kill me inside and make me hate people more. So I'm going to stop trying to please everyone and just be happy. Sorry for the rant! But I want to say thank you to everyone here who shares their feelings and makes me know I am not alone.


Active member
Hi and well done on the self acceptance, its something i deeply envy in people, and something i have a terrible time with.


Well-known member
self-acceptance is the key to happiness BUT there are variables.some of us that are hermits, can we accept our hermit lifestyle and be happy?today or tomorrow we might be able to but if its anxiety or paranoia making us live like a hermit, maybe we can tackle those problems and change?also, we may accept ourselves like this for a long time but what if we 'wake up' years down the road and want to change?will it even be possible to if we are older in age?

i can only accept myself once in awhile.for the most part its brutally hard basically accepting defeat, that i wont have much of a life ever, that i wont have solid relationships or be able to enjoy the company of others or that i will be able to make more money because of being socially crippled.the biggest is that i wont be able to look back on my life and say 'i lived it to its fullest'..i mean, on our deathbed can we honestly say we will look back and be happy with what or how we lived?seriously?maybe you can but i doubt i will..


Well-known member
There's nothing worse then doing a job that makes you feel like crap and dread (especially if it gives you anxiety and panic attacks). As long as you're happy and content with what you've got then :)

razzle dazzle rose

Well-known member
Accepting what we want for ourselves and rejecting other people's ideas of what we should be doing must be one of the most freeing things ever. Not everyone values the same things. Some people are just so forceful. I really liked your post. Well done quitting, it is not an easy thing to do! Welcome to the forum.


Well-known member
Hi, i'm glad you feel happy to accept. I'm also horrified to hear what happened to you in the military, how f###ed up is that!:mad:

It can't be that bad for you as you have a husband, i mean for a lot of us here relationships/marriage is out of the question.