A Strange Hyperhydrosis Story!!! Please Read


Well-known member
Add rainwater or water from a lake or stream. Hard water makes a major difference with the ionto treatments. I use about a gallon of water total. 1/2 rainwater the other half tap. I learned about how the water really effects your treatment when I was away from my usual tap water source and my treatment stopped working. Rain answered my prayers and put my ionto back on track of being dry.


Well-known member
Hey Sprawling, I think you said in another topic that you live in Utah (in the USA for those not familiar). Or maybe I'm making that up. But was just curious if your area has "soft" or "hard" tap water. For example, when you take a shower, does it feel like you have to run the water forever to rinse the soap off you? I've visited relatives who live in rural areas and I hate showering there because of this feeling. I get out and feel like I still have soap all over me, which makes me more apt to sweat.


Well-known member
Yes, I'm in salt Lake City. The water overall is on the hard side. I also spend a lot of time in Las Vegas and the water there can be hard yet ineffective for iontopheresis.

The water in Vegas will just not work enough (maybe 40% effective) to stop the sweating. Last trip I forgot to travel with my Utah tap water. I panicked when my sweating started to come back. It took about 3 weeks weeks to notice treatment wasn't working. It happened to be raining for a few days and it dawned on me to collect some of it and mix it in with the tap water and BINGO, treatment worked within 5-6 treatments.

SweatParty, the feeling you describe is usually when someone has a whole house water softener that uses salt. Otherwise rinsing feels normal or fine.


Rain answered my prayers and put my ionto back on track of being dry.

Completely dry? I live in uk, the rain here is really flimsy, more like drizzles. Do u think rain is water is the same all over the world ( may be a dumb question :confused: but i dont know too much about rain) reason im asking is cos i wanna move back to africa - The issue of my HH is such a deciding factor cos i think we have soft water. Although it rains really heavy when it does rain - monsoon type rains most times. Im thinking mayb if i decide to move back I could use rainwater or water from a natural well. Since I moved away from london where the water was really hard to where im living now , my ionto hasnt quite been the same.


Well-known member
Well water - definitely. Rain water is probably the same all over except for the amount of pollution. It's all about the mineral content. Sea water will most likely work as well. Anything that DOES NOT come from the tap will most likely work, unless someone has experienced otherwise. Tap water here in Utah works fine, yet when I added rain water to the mixture, it works even better. Better meaning my hands are probably way to dry now. I also noticed my feet are really dry. Summer is on it's way, we'll see how dry the feet remain.


Well-known member
You can never be TOO dry for people on this forum, LOL!

I'm so looking forward to trying this treatment method

Thanks Sprawling and tictac for the ongoing discussion and info. I really look forward to coming back every day or 2 and getting new input from fellow HH sufferers. I appreciate it a lot. Please keep coming.


@ Overcome. Thanks for reading. I really hope Im not sounding like a Driclor sales person. But I think you should try it, but i guess its effectiveness varies from person to person. I first used it in 2007/2008. I really should av read the instructions. Cos then I thought it was a "use as and when needed" sorta thing. I later read you have to apply at night before going to bed.... and its reducing d claminess. At least ive started shaking other people at uni now....

Thank you for posting your story. I have met only one other person with HH and that happened to be my brother. He is 7 years older than I am and I didn't know he had it until we were both adults. His case is less severe than mine.

I think everyone has to go about dealing with their HH in there own way. I am married and my husband is great about it. I was nervous to talk about with him, but when I did, he was totally supportive. When it is just he and I I don't sweat. I public is totally different story.

I have anxiety, panic,/depression/ and I think part of it stems from the HH. I also have very sensitive skin so I am nervous about using lotions and electric shock therapy. I'm glad something is working for you though.

Keep us posted as to whether you two start discussing your HH together.
I have shown people in my family my palms before, like how your boyfriend did. It's like, "Just look at this!" to show them how bad it can get. I don't think I'd ever do that with someone I didn't know well, though.

I think he must be naturally not self-conscious. It reminds me of my husband. He just doesn't embarrass easily. He's gone through things that would make a lot of people feel awkward about themselves, but he just shrugs it off. It's one of the things I really love about him.

Also, my husband used to be in a band with a guy who apparently had really bad HH. Husband told be that this guy seemed to not be too aware of his problem though. like he didn't even know he had it. So maybe there are some HH sufferers who really just don't care. Good for them! ::p:

I know when you find something that helps your HH, you want to share it with other HH'ers. But if you have shared your experiences with him, it's now his decision to make. You can be there for him either way.