A Positive Note


Active member
Hey everyone,

I used to use this forum quite a bit a while ago (pushing 4 years now), and I just recently found my user/password combo to login again. I didn't post too much, but I did enjoy reading posts here and it was a place to feel safe and have people to relate to.

I sat and read my previous posts here.. and I remembered all of the difficulties I went through back then, and how this forum helped me. So I thought that I should make some sort of final message to the users (and maintainers) of this forum, since it was something that helped me though a particularly difficult time of my life. This site even helped define who I am, this screen name "social_failure" became my fallback for all other screen names I created, and I even created a forum of my own under that title. That forum is what keeps me in contact with old friends now, and most of my friends even know me as "sf" (SocialFailure).

So this is my final goodbye to this forum, and I would like to say goodbye on a positive note.

I am now 20 years old, living with two awesome roommates and am well on my way to defeating (or at least minimizing) my social anxiety. This is for everyone who is stuck with that terrible feeling that "it will never get better". At some point, it will. It may be a very slow, long process, but it WILL get better. Trust me, I was never an optimistic person (I'm still not heh), and I always thought the same thing. Even now, I still consider myself to have fairly strong social anxiety, but when I think back to how strong my anxiety was 4 years ago, its pretty impressive how much it has improved. I still have trouble at times, and probably always will. But the point is that over time, it does get better, even if it may never go away, it will improve.

Goodbye SPW, and thanks to everyone who helped me from this forum, thanks to the maintainers who keep this forum running, and the very best of luck to everyone who fights this difficult (but very worthwhile) battle!


Well-known member
I don't know you but I'm super glad you're better! I'm happy this site has helped you and good luck with everything you do! :)


Well-known member
good for you!

don't be a stranger

let us know how you're doing from time to time