A medical diagnosis after years of insecurity


Well-known member
Hello everyone,

I'm so over the moon I had to make a separate post about this. For years I've dealt with excessive body hair, which destroyed my self-esteem and created a lot of mental torment, not to mention bullying. I was never convinced this was just due to genetics, or that it was considered "normal". Time and time again, doctors declined giving me a referral, denying that my predicted diagnosis was accurate. I was told I was a worrier and nothing was wrong with me because I didn't fit a typical example.

FINALLY, I had a doctor do accurate blood work and listen to me. I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Another doctor confirmed this, and while there isn't much that can be done it means I have a reason for my torment. A hormone issue.

I can't express how ecstatic I am at receiving some confirmation that certain hormones are a bit irregular, and it's not imagined.. (sounds funny but it's a huge relief instead of having no answer except to think I was abnormal).

I'm thinking of going back to see two doctors who wouldn't take me seriously, and throwing this in their face. Not that it would be appropriate.. but they deserve it.

Had this been figured out at an earlier time some preventative measures could've been taken to resolve the matter, and I could have been saved from some problems.

Moral of this story: Do your research if you feel you have a condition, and don't back down if a doctor dismisses you. The trial and tribulation seems to have paid off finally, on my part.

Ok, off the soapbox now. :applause: Going to celebrate.

Hopefully now it will be easier to just accept, and I'll gain some confidence back. Afterall, if anyone picks on me I can just state my reason and expect them to feel terrible, or educate them. How liberating.
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