
I don't really know what you can do personally, but I do know what it's caused by. Walking you normally do automatically. When you look at video footage of a person walking and study it, you'll see that it's quite a complicated movement. When you try to control it for any reason (anxiety or otherwise) you'll see and feel fluctuation in the usual automation because by trying to control it you're essentially walking twice. Naturally and controlled.

Resulting in this weird feeling like you've forgotten how to walk. But the irony of it is that you're not under doing it, you're over doing it.

It goes away when you grow more comfortable in the public scene. Easier said then done, I'm sure. I struggle with it too.

Roman Legion

Well-known member
I used to put my hands behind my back together, kinda like a naval officer might do.. That worked as my hands never moved.. I felt like I was walking weird as well and when I joined the Army I was in training and trying to march and walk normally when someone told me I was walking weird.. I went back to my old system until I got screamed at for walking at parade rest.. :( You can always out just your thumbs in your pocket and ball your hands up on the outside..
I used to have it really bad. And it wasn't just with my hands, but also my arms, legs, head, posture, pace, feet. So in addition to be a skinny-rake, & pale-as-a-ghost, i can see how completely wierd i must have looked to most people.
But i've grown out of it, with only a very slight remnant of it still showing, from time to time.


Well-known member
Yup. I definitely have had and continue from time to time to have it. I'm not sure why I have/had this paranoia. I wish I knew of a way to help you buddy.


Well-known member
That is what I am like too, as soon as I am going somewhere I really can't walk ::(: I feel really awkward and also feel like people are looking at me funny becuase of the way I am walking and that makes it even more worse. I don't know how you can stop it =/ I haven't figured that out yet :)