

Active member
Friends are those whom you hang out with and get involved in activities together. At least that's what I think.


Well-known member
my best friend? hes someone who i can be myself around.
He knows when i am getting anxious, he doesnt care.
He accepts me , and makes me feel like i am just like everybody else. He pushes me to do things and to leave the house. He pushes me to excel despite everything. We hang out every few days at the least. He is busy with school but i consider him like family, we are brothers.


Active member
A friend is...someone who genuinely likes you and sticks around even when the "bad weather" sets in? I don't know really, it sounds like an easy question, but it's actually much harder to answer. Especially as the line between friend and associate, or "someone you recognise" is easily blurred these days - facebook certainly manages to prove that.

Personally I have 2 best friends, one who I met in High School and was similarly picked on as myself, and the other who I've known since I was 5 years old in reception class. It was much simpler back then, because when we were in our infant years we made friends with anyone who was nice and allowed us to play with them, without SA being an issue. Growing up we were all considered the "freaks" of the bunch, so we had a lot of common ground in that sense and luckily enough we had similar interests as well. Although I still have communication troubles, fears of inadequacy and of losing them, I'm also well aware of how lucky I've been in comparison to some other SAers out there, friendship-wise. I don't see either of them much anymore - we mostly restrict visits to our birthdays and present exchanges at Christmas, but we're still in touch at least. The rest of the time I don't really hang with anyone, sticking to mostly solitary activities like a lot of others here.


Well-known member
My friends mostly sit around a table and play roleplaying games when I'm with them. We go adventuring, plot, scheme, and kill things. Then we loot the corpses. On the occasions that I'm bleeding to death, someone usually helps me survive. We average about one visit per week. (For any other gamers out there, the other week we played the new Gamma World game that uses the 4th edition D&D rules. It had a high "wtF?!" factor, and was really quite fun.)

Even though I've known these guys since middle school, I really don't feel like I'm that "friendly" with them. I mostly just show up, roll dice, and leave. But I figure if they had any questions, they'd ask them. I almost never go out and do things with people besides my brother and sister. And I don't have anyone whom I'd call a best friend or a confidant.

So I guess I'm about halfway to where I could be in the friendship department. But I never initiate anything, and I'm absolutely terrible at asking questions and keeping a conversation going.