Social anxiety an insecurity?


Well-known member
My biggest insecurity is the fact that I don’t talk enough and am hard to get to know.

The majority of people’s insecurities are based on physical appearance with weight being the main issue.

Why is it socially acceptable (and something i have to put up with) for people to point out my shyness and introverted nature, whereas I would be lynched if I were to point out if someone was fat?

Recently I was told that I should be more outgoing in the future by someone i do not know well at work. Had he said “you need to loose weight in the future, or you need to get a nose job in the future” there would be outrage.

Why is it ok to point out someone’s insecurities if they are not physical?

These aren't my words but I couldn't say it any better myself.
WTF I feel inferior to everyone at work/coworkers cos I'm so insecure about how I talk to them, a lot of the time I just don't. My only major insecurity is getting to know others/having to communicate with the same people more than once, which is ironic because confidence in basically everything else is completely wasted. I feel useless and worthless and it sucks. It is totally ok to be mocked for this, yet if I were overweight or unattractive or stupid or smelly or whatever else nobody could say shit to me without causing an outroar. FML
This insecurity is killing me!! I can't even sleep properly, I'm so worried about nothing. I have everything I want and more yet am depressed all the time. I just don't see myself being happy like this, ever. :( It's unstable that this insecurity can cause life-altering anxiety. For instance, just then I spent 2 hours procrastinating calling my boss to ask to leave work one hour early tomorrow. Dafuq? >.<

This 'insecurity' is no problems, except it's the first, and often only, thing people will get to notice about me, cos I just can't let them see anything else.
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Well-known member
I see my SA as an insecurity too. When people tell me to "speak up" or "you're too quiet. Louder!", I feel embarassed. It's the same feeling I get when people criticize my appearance. Nobody wants to be told that they're quiet because being quiet is not valued in this culture. Being extroverted, loud, and playful is the societal ideal.


Well-known member
I agree completely, but it is typical for society to downplay psychological issues. I guess if things can't be readily seen, they may as well not exist or something, i don't know.


Well-known member
It's not Ok to be mocked for being quiet, it's still harrassment. Yet, I don't have the courage to be assertive enough to speak up against it.

I guess the hardest thing about insecurity anxiety is that people often misjudge it as something else, and never get to see past it to see the real person trapped inside by fear.


Well-known member
I feel completely isolated on this but better after reading the comments, thanks. When you think about it, it's bullshit that we get this treatment. The people that do it, more often than not, are generally considered wankers yet you feel you got nothing on them. Gets me mad just typing lol but maybe attitude is what we need to overcome caring about this, and even making them feel stupid when they don't get the reaction they want.