Skatergirl's Journal


Hey everyone.
I saw Wingcharms Journal, and i find it a great idea to write a Journal too.
It's a good way of writing things down, and remembering it.
And maybe we can help other's out too!
and it's great to read other's their experience of life.
So anyways, I will start writing my first journal this evening.

I will go to a restaurant tonight, and I will share you guys how it was.
from my experience, i decided NOT to think what could go wrong, but i am thinking (and even writing it down) what will go GREAT!
I will have a nice dinner, and it will taste lovely. that's my thought.
And i will have a nice conversation with my parents and brother! (they are going with me.)
And the people are not there to focus on me, they are all for the same thing, having a nice dinner!
and yesterday i came to an conclusion.
people who are looking at you on the street, in a restaurant, in a waiting room, or anywhere, Do you KNOW the STRANGERS? No way! So what is the big deal of their thoughts about you? No sense! Because.. it's only a little time that they make some eye contact, and they might show a weird face or whatever.. But it doesnt matter, because you won't ever see that person again! Okay maybe, but then it's the same like this!
You have nothing to do with the people.

BUT! the non strangers, ok, you have to live with these people and you CAN be anxious.. and being afraid of their opinion and thoughts, but that's a matter of self acceptance, accept yourself, and accept their opinion. and make sure you'll be only around with supportive, good people, who are there for you. They wont bring you down, so you dont have to be afraid of their thoughts.

xx Skatergirl
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Well-known member
Sounds like a great idea and I love your Attitude. Positive Attitudes radiate
I used to be mad into skating so for me theres nothing sexier than a skatergirl.
Enjoy your night out
Yep that's absolutely correct. I've been trying to drill those things in lately as well.
First you might think eveyrone is watching you but if you look around they're really not. And then even if they do they're most likely not thinking about you. you're not the center of everybody's universe. They've got their own problems to worry about. They might even be worried about what you think of them and how they look. and even if they are judging you, so what? It's no big deal. You're not in danger. It's not the end of the world. 'cause what's important is how you feel about yourself, not how strangers perceive you...
But yeah it's easy to say that now but much harder to actually think rationally in real situations. So that's something I'm still working on. By writing things out I hope I can help you guys but it also helps me remember it better
hope your night goes well Skatergirl


Well-known member
Replacing negative thoughts for positive ones are easir said then done.
ive tried so many times to say to myself "im never going to see these ppl again" but thts quickly replaced with "you mite, its not imposible"


Well-known member
They've got their own problems to worry about. They might even be worried about what you think of them and how they look.
Most people don't suffer from debilitating anxiety, they might feel a bit awkward at times, but it's not a big deal for them. People who suffer from social anxiety, on the other hand, are extremely sensitive and anxious all the time. It might be because of some malfunction in our brain, and not necessarily because of the way we think. Of course thinking positive is always good, but it may not be sufficient.