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  1. C

    Remember those incidents in the past where you felt temporarily cured?

    I'll try to word this in the clearest possible way... Everyone of us must have memories from the past where he/she felt completely free from phobia or anxiety. It could be an event where you were unexpectedly brave and said or did something that amazed you afterwards. Something that you looked...
  2. C

    Worrying about what others think causes fake behavior!

    Just some scattered thoughts from what I'm learning... So when you or I are alone or in conversation with a close person (say your brother or sister) we are normal beings, we talk, react, smile, cry, get angry, listen, etc. we do all that genuinely. It's the true us. But If I worry about what...
  3. C

    Problem: going from being phobic to being too confident :/

    I don't think this is normal... Has anyone experienced this? I'm undergoing CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) for more than a month and I have noticed tangible improvements in several situations where I used to be phobic and anxious in them. Not only the phobia is gone but it's now...
  4. C

    It's all in your head.

    I just feel like typing this... It's all in your head. It's true. It's all a fabrication of your mind. It's not you. You are healthy, like a baby born. It's the thoughts and beliefs in your mind. From your past experience. From your parents maybe. From the self talk. They manifested in your...
  5. C

    Jon Kabat-Zinn is incredible! (Video)

    Finally someone who talks about mindfulness and awareness in a realistic, scientific based way coupled with understanding of human psychology. This video may help you tremendously in all your life not just social phobia. A must watch I'd say. Here: Jon Kabat-Zinn - "The Healing Power of...
  6. C

    The best video documentary on social phobia and shyness

    This is possibly the best video I have watched on social phobia. I can't say how thankful I am to everyone who made it possible. Please check it out. Overcoming Social Phobia & Shyness - YouTube Enjoy it! and happy therapy! :)