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  1. chev

    looking at me because I'm awkward?

    I just recently was in a situation in which I was forced into a group discussion. My anxiety was terribly high, because it felt so much like being back in school. Anyway, there was a guy who kept looking at me. Before I noticed this, he had commented on how quiet I was being. I felt so...
  2. chev

    once a loser, always a loser...

    Okay, so lately I've been getting even more discouraged with where I am in life. I feel as though I'm moving backward, whereas everyone else is moving forward. I feel as though I've majorly let myself down, because I'm not where I thought I should've been in life at this point. I was the...
  3. chev

    friendly/polite vs. interested

    I am just curious how to tell the difference between when a man is just being friendly/polite or is interested... -friendly hug or if he's interested -joking/teasing (other girls somehow know when joking/teasing is flirty, but I can't seem to tell the difference-I usually think it's just casual...
  4. chev

    mental roller-coaster

    I feel like I've been on a mental roller-coaster lately. I will talk things up one day, telling myself that things will change, that I am fine the way I am, and that I can fight through my self-esteem issues and such. Then the next day, I'll sink back into my pit, wallowed up in my feelings of...
  5. chev

    Anyone use this site to write their poems? I used this site when I was younger, but I forgot about it for a long while. I re-joined it today...trying to get back into the whole poetry writing thing. I definitely don't write as much as I used to, so I decided to join and I'm going to try to...
  6. chev

    I still want to die..Sorry

    I'm sure people are getting tired of me posting this crap on here, because I know people hate it when others are negative and what-not. No one even has to read this if they don't want to (I suppose it just feels more concrete to write it out than stewing over the thoughts in my head). I just...
  7. chev

    U.S.A-4th of July anxieties..

    So I have been feeling the anxiety with 4th of July start pouring in already. I want to be able to celebrate with other people but feel like I never get the chance to. I don't have many friends to begin with, and then it seems that mostly everyone wants to drink. Sometimes I tell myself that I...
  8. chev

    "small things" social anxieties...

    This is probably like a lot of already existing threads, but I wanted to start this still. Here's mine: I get a ton of anxiety with card swipes. It is probably stupid to get worked up over these things, but I always get nervous about swiping wrong and looking like an idiot. Today, I was at...
  9. chev

    light therapy

    Has anyone had any luck with light therapy for depression? I've been thinking about getting special lighting to try to help with it, but looking online, I've found that most of the lighting made for this is rather expensive. I know most of this type of light therapy is made more for people...
  10. chev


    So I wrote a post months ago about wanting to commit suicide. I was doing better for a while (Not that the suicidal thoughts went completely away, but just that I got busier with school and so I almost got too worn out by other stresses to concentrate quite as much on my depression). I had a...
  11. chev

    suicidal thoughts worsening again..need some support

    Okay, so I apologize ahead of time if this is a lengthy post, but I just really am feeling extra scared and alone lately and need some help. I have had low self esteem since grade school, but these past few years have really torn me apart. My depression started when I was about 11 and...