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  1. daniel_monster

    Blurting out something bad

    This just happened today. I was on the bus and a group of Black people came on the bus. I am by no means racist, far from it. Suddenly my mouth wanted to blurt out a very obscene word to the point where I thought I couldn't control it. If I even opened my mouth too yawn I would yell out this...
  2. daniel_monster

    Keep thinking

    I quit my job of 5 years a month ago because my boss gave me horrible anxiety. For 3 of those 5 years i was responsible for closing and locking the building up and every morning my boss would give me s**t for not doing "this" right or some other small thing. Everyday since I quit I keep thinking...
  3. daniel_monster

    Exposure therapy

    Has anyone done this and do they do? My therapist says he's gonna use this and it scares the hell out of me.