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  1. FriendlyShadow

    Does Physical apperance really matter to you?

    Like , if a girl has short hair or chubby/overweight, or if a guy had long hair or if he had glasses. I mean, I'm sure not all people judge others by their appearance, but it's like some people in the world would rather have a good looking person as a mate. I mean, for example some boys would...
  2. FriendlyShadow

    I hate my face shape

    Okay, well let me give a description of how my face looks like. I basically have balloon shaped head(that's what my sister said to me once). I have a small forehead, big eyes, small lips, small chin/jaw that makes my lips stick out from side to side, my nose points upward, and my face is...
  3. FriendlyShadow

    I sound different when voice recording

    Well, usually I used to think when I speak, I thought people were hearing exactly how I heard my voice. Now, whenever i talk through a mic or voice record my voice, I sound like a 12 year old monotonous boy:eek:. I know my voice doesn't sound girly when I hear myself talk, but it just sound...
  4. FriendlyShadow

    Why does crying make me feel better

    I'm an overly emotional person and i just can't stop getting my feeling hurt so easy. Every time when i forget to do something or a mistake (things like forgetting to lock the door after i let the dog out, or even when try and do homework which very hard) my parents seem to get really...
  5. FriendlyShadow

    Which is better: Vegetarians or Meat Eaters?

    Just wondering. I know some meat eaters say that we are omnivores and that we are supposed to eat animals and that they are a good source of protein. And then I hear Vegetarians saying that the meat sits in your intestines and rots, and that eating animals is animal cruelty. So, which one do...
  6. FriendlyShadow

    Why can't I write my story out?

    Well, not like a book, but like screen plays/scripts I'm writing about. Now, the good thing is I already have my characters, plots, and know how the story is going to happen. The problem is i just have trouble writing a story about these plots. I don't know why, but every time I try to write...
  7. FriendlyShadow

    Why did my hair stop growing?

    Ok, my hair is like really thick and long, and so does my dad, but my mom has thin hair(they're hair is kind of shoulder length about the same.)But anyways, Like I would say it's past my shoulders almost to my breasts. I think this has been going on two years ago my hair stopped growing. I...
  8. FriendlyShadow

    Why is it hard for me to be funny?

    I mean every time I try to joke around with people, they'd stare at me like I'm weird or something. I try not too hard to be funny and I'm a serious person at times, but it's like i can't make anyone laugh. Someone did tell me I have a very dry sense of humor. What does that mean exactly...
  9. FriendlyShadow

    Acne is ruining my life!

    Hey everyone. Okay, so let me start off by saying I'm 14 years old and i have horrible acne. It's on my forehead, nose, chin, around my lips(the ones that look like you have a cold sore) and just practically everywhere on my face. Not only that but some of them are just really itchy while...
  10. FriendlyShadow

    Is it wrong that I don't like shopping?

    Ok, so I wouldn't necessarily call myself a tomboy. I do like to play video games, and wear plain, simple clothing ect. However, I don't play sports, I don't climb trees, and I'm afraid of bugs. The only two girly things i like to do are fixing my hair and painting my nails. I'm not a huge...