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  1. NathanielWingatePeaslee

    The world. I find it depressing. Literally, the world.

    Worldometers - real time world statistics Real time counts of what's going on in the world. Hectares of forest lost this year: 84,248. People who died of hunger today: 84,248 Number of people infected with HIV/AIDS: 31,914,742 Species that went extinct this year: 84,248. By the time you...
  2. NathanielWingatePeaslee

    Owl Rescue (in progress)

    So yesterday evening my step-dad found a small owl in a water trough. It was soaking wet and it couldn't get back out. I watched over it overnight and tried to feed it some meat, which it accepted into its beak but wouldn't swallow. At least it knew I was trying to feed it, not eat it. This...
  3. NathanielWingatePeaslee

    Flame Warriors!

    Which internet gladiator are you? Flame Warriors Home I think I see myself mostly as Big Cat, maybe with a bit of Yuk Yuk and Tireless Rebutter thrown in. Hard to judge yourself, though. Feel free to judge me! :D
  4. NathanielWingatePeaslee

    Does anyone else get hideously embarrassed while watching tv?

    For a character in an embarrassing situation I mean. Or am I uniquely retarded that way? I often have to change the channel because I just can't stand the feeling. It doesn't have to be a character on tv, it could even just be another person in the room and I'll blush because they are in an...
  5. NathanielWingatePeaslee

    Have you always had SA?

    I've only recently begun really looking into understanding this stuff, and I've seen a few cases where apparently people didn't always have the problem, but somehow grow into it. I can remember as far back as pre-k viewing other humans as loud, incomprehensible creatures that were best avoided.