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  1. S

    Do you hate it when your confidence is fake

    Today I went to work I was all confident more chatty than ever because I took certain supplements prior to my shift. I just feel really bad because it's not like I'm always going to be confident like this every single shift and that coworkers would eventually deal with the real not so confident me.
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    Do you feel that only if you were a good conversationalist you SA would go away?

    Do you feel that only if you were a good conversationalist you SA would go away? I feel like that's the only main thing holding me back (like knowing what to say in social situations).
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    Would you be as shy towards another SAer?

    Hey guys I was just wondering would you be as shy towards another person with social anxiety? For some reason I think in general I think I interact better and more comfortably towards shy people compared to outgoing people.
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    Is it true that most social phobics value their own space?

    Is it true that most social phobics value their own space? I certainly do but I wonder if that goes for the same for other social phobics.
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    Not shy introvert?

    Is it possible to be not shy but be introvert? I think it's possible. I know most outgoing people are not shy. I'm a huge introvert but I don't think that it would affect my SA recovery that much.
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    For those who know a lot about CBT what is your best coping statement?

    For those who know a lot about CBT what is your best coping statement? Thanks
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    Positive thoughts effortlessly

    It's so neat how after changing your maladaptive thoughts into normal positive realistic thoughts, you would have those positive thoughts come automatically and effortlessly in a typical anxious situation. Have you any of you experience the same?
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    Anyone here just concerned about being a good conversationalist

    I think I`m doing great progress in conquering social anxiety. I am already comfortable in a lot of social situations but the only major things I am concerned about is how to be a good conversationalist and to maintain a good conversation. Anyone know how I can become a good conversationalist...
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    Did your surrounds or circumstances cause SA for you?

    Did your surrounds or circumstances cause SA for you? In other words, would you still have social anxiety if you were never mistreated or bullied or abused etc...
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    Run out of things to talk about at work

    Have you guys ever come to work and find a lot of things to say because you are new or because you meet a new coworker. Do you guys run of of things to say after a few shifts of seeing each other on a regular basis? If so what do you guys talk about then after? Thanks
  11. S

    The less stressors in your life the less anxiety you will have?

    Can stress actually increase SA? I know stress can make you feel bad but does it actually increase SA? If that`s the case, is it true that the less stressors in your life the less anxiety you will have?
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    Anyone know of any food or drink that can calm you a little?

    Anyone know of any food or drink that can calm you a little? We already know certain supplements and medications do but how about certain foods?
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    How is your progress so far in terms of overcoming social anxiety

    How is your progress so far in terms of overcoming social anxiety? Are you guys 50% recovered or 75%...? Me personally I still have a long way to go but so far I'm having a bit of progress. I also improved on my way of thinking and I no longer have as much automatic maladaptive thoughts as I...
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    What do you guys think of the other SA forum hehe

    What do you guys think of the other SA forum hehe. I always liked this one :)
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    What a typical day for you like

    What is a typical day or daily routine for you like (starting from waking up to sleeping at night) Eg. Waking up, then showering, then breakfast, then jogging, etc....
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    What is the best over the counter supplement you tried for social anxiety

    What is the best over the counter supplement you tried for social anxiety, since there are so many to choose from.
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    Feel better after working at job?

    Do you guys tend to feel a bit better after working at your job. I don't really like my job like too too much but I guess it keeps your mind occupied. Like if it's the weekend and I don't do anything my mind is in idle mode, I tend to be depressed because I focus on how much friends I don't have...
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    Which is the best site to view tv shows?

    Which is the best site to view tv shows? :)
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    Minimessenger problem

    Mini messenger keeps saying people to talk to (0) I don't know if that is normal. Anyone can help me for tips on how to fix this. Thanks :)
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    Whats a good book on self esteem?

    Whats a good book on self esteem? I guess self esteem and social anxiety go hand in hand.