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  1. S

    Idle time/negative thoughts

    Do you guys purposely try to occupy yourselves with activities in order counteract the negative emotions you would sometimes feel during idle time? I find that weekends or days off tend to suck sometime because too much idle time. Sometimes it helps just having an eventful day or just doing...
  2. S

    Any success with paced breathing :)

    Any success with paced breathing? :) For me it feels a little difficult and awkward. But wondering if it works for you guys ;) :)
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    Imaginary Exposure

    Ever try to conquer SA through imaginary exposure? (Where you close your eyes and just imagine about the feared event.) Maybe it could help if its too hard in real life and it's good for practice. You can even imagine scenarios where you are intentionally making a mistake like trip in front of...
  4. S

    For those who live with people do you guys eat together?

    For those who live with people do you guys eat together as a family or with roommates? Do you guys socialize a lot at meal times. I personally don't. ::o: Just wondering about you guys :)
  5. S

    Anyone have a fear of teachers back then as a child?

    Anyone have a fear of teachers back then as a child I know I did. I just don't know what it was. I'm shy in general but I guess I fear teachers and managers the most.
  6. S

    If you had never encountered judgmental people would you still have social anxiety?

    If you had never encountered judgmental people in your life would you still have social anxiety? I have a very judgmental family and I avoid family gatherings 95% of the time. Also throughout school there was a lot of judgmental people too who often poke fun at others who aren't cool etc. I feel...
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    Is being positive absolutely necessary to overcome SA?

    Is being positive absolutely necessary to overcome SA? I know we all can be really positive but we also have those extreme moments of negativity. What do you guys think?
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    What kind of topics do you guys talk about during your breaks at work?

    What kind of topics do you guys talk about during your breaks at work? I'm not necessarily asking what are good conversation topics, but what are some of the "actual" topics you guys discuss at work during breaks or downtime :)
  9. S

    Anyone have difficulty saying goodbye to coworkers?

    Anyone have difficulty saying goodbye to coworkers? I'm not too bad at it but it's kind of difficult sometimes when your coworkers are bunched up right before your shift is over and your put on the spot to say goodbye. Some coworkers shake everyone hand and are super bubbly etc. I'm not exactly...
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    What are some fun ideas to conquer social anxiety?

    What are some fun ideas to conquer social anxiety? Like mock interviews or 20 questions etc :)
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    Do you guys have other goals in life besides conquering social anxiety? :)

    Do you guys have other goals in life besides conquering social anxiety? :)
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    When something gets you down what's your way in feeling better?

    When something gets you down what's your way in feeling better? I'm sure we all get those sad moments more so that non-saers out there.
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    What are some of your incentives of overcoming social phobia?

    What are some of your incentives of overcoming social phobia?
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    What do you guys usually say when you are asked to tell everyone about yourself?

    What do you guys usually say when you are asked to tell everyone about yourself? I usually attend monthly staff meetings at work and some meetings we start off going in a circle telling everyone a little about yourself. :P
  15. S

    Any of you guys open up to certain people?

    Do any of you guys open up or get extremely talkative to certain people? I mean sure we might have SA but aren't there people that open you up and make you really chatty? For me, I really open up to certain people at work but when working with managers I'm a more different quieter person. :) I...
  16. S

    Alcohol makes things worst

    I`m not a huge drinker or anything but at a reception I attended I drank a bit of alcohol not too much (not drunk) and it actually made me more paranoid compared to what I felt before drinking. I guess it isn`t for me.
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    Are you uncomfortable at parties or receptions when a coworker attends.

    Are you uncomfortable at family parties or receptions when a coworker attends. Sometimes I feel like I can't just relax or be myself when a coworker attends. Any of you guys there same?
  18. S

    Post any eccentric behavior that you have :)

    I have a couple of eccentric behaviors of my own. I like to drink my tea with cold water :) I also like to rate movies on a piece of paper :) I do the sign of a the Cross before a stressful situation. I'm pretty sure I have more. How about you guys :)::p:
  19. S

    Ever have those days with no anxiety for no reason

    Ever have those rare days when you randomly don't have anxiety and your body and mind feels relaxed. I only wish I knew what causes this. In a way it's good that you feel all relaxed out of nowhere, but in a way it's also bad cause you can't keep this feeling forever. :P
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    Anyone freek out when coworkers invite you for a social event

    Anyone freek out when coworkers invite you for social event outside of work? A couple of coworkers sometimes invite managers, other employees for a bbq or to a pub. I mean I already see them almost on a daily basis. It sucks when your asked on the spot and feel obligated to go and you just wanna...