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  1. lifesnotfair

    amount of Sex on TV

    I think that there is too much sex on TV, and to hell what hollywood thinks that sex sells. I am so tired of turning on the TV, and seeing some form of sex being plastered all over the networks Granted, i am most likely jealous, because it seems like people are having sex, and seem to have...
  2. lifesnotfair

    Valentines Day getting closer

    Everyday brings valentines day a lot closer, and everyday the pressure seems to be getting more and more to me that i am the only person who seems to be single on this day. I have mentioned this in a earlier post, but i feel that i need to make my concerns know, va;entines day seems to only...
  3. lifesnotfair

    what everyone else thinks

    You know its funny how people think that i am in serious need of help, and in reality i might be more sane that anyone else around. Just because i think Love and romance is gross, and humanity is just about on the brink of destroying each other makes me wonder... let me get into more detail...
  4. lifesnotfair

    Who is looking forward to Valentines Day

    Well i sure as hell not looking forward to everyone being with someone on valentines day, frankly i think we should just scrap valentines entirely, whats the point, this day is just for people who rub in the fact that they are in a relationship, and basically rub in the fact that we are single...
  5. lifesnotfair

    Sadness and Depression turing to Anger

    I don't know about anyone else, but i know that somedays, my depression turns into extreme anger and jealousy over how other people have life a lot better, i tend to tense up when i see couples together, or how guys are a lot better looking than i am which in turn gets out the women, or have all...
  6. lifesnotfair

    more people single

    Who do you think have more people that are single, males or females? because being single, i have been trying to find singles resources, which i haven't had too much luck on it
  7. lifesnotfair

    My Nick says it all

    Basically my nickname says it all I keep reading about how people should feel love, should cuddle, should have Sex, and people experiencing their feelings about that, fine i have no problem with that, but what i have a problem with is, is that it is so expected for people to feel like that...
  8. lifesnotfair

    very confused

    I am at the point in my life, where i don't know what i want to do. I don't know if i want a women in my life, i don't know whether or not to be alone or to go out into the world, even though, everytime i try, i get shot down.. just so very confused..
  9. lifesnotfair

    Sadness turing to Anger

    I am at the point where sadness in my life is turning into anger, which i don't like, however, being sad doesn't make you feel better versus anger where you get noticed because you act out, shout, become confrontational, etc... especially when you know its something you cannot control, such as...
  10. lifesnotfair

    too much romance in the media

    am i the only one who think that romance is saturating the media, such as movies showing love scenes, to rubbing in the fact to the single people out there that everyone should be in a relationship, and if your not you are considered "not normal" or a "loner" I am just tired of seeing romance...
  11. lifesnotfair

    who wants love in their lifes

    Who actually wants love in their life.. love makes you think irrationally, makes you do things that are stupid I personally hate love, because you have to be happy in order to be in love, and even finding that right women.. well.... lets just say dogs have better chances of finding love that i...
  12. lifesnotfair

    there aren't that MANY single folks out there

    You know, its funny, because people say that there are a lot of single individuals, however, where are these people? quite literally everyone that i am around, is either married, in a relationship, or dating.. WTF?? how do these people meet? seriously, i can't seem to meet or find anyone who...
  13. lifesnotfair

    always getting rejected by women

    How come i seem to get rejected by womem.. why am i like a total reject with women. I have tried to meet women online, i get rejected, i try to meet them in clubs, i get rejected.. its not fucking fair.. how come you females reject me all the time? i am a shy guy, thanks a lot.. I am trying my...
  14. lifesnotfair

    I can't take this anymore...

    I am tired of waiting and tired of trying to recover from depression, and i am also tired of the whole social scene where people meet each other, i am just so sick and tired of waiting or or trying to find that right person. i am so upset that i just don't know how to vent how i feel.... There...
  15. lifesnotfair

    i am the only one..

    Please dont' tell me that i am not alone, i have no friends, no g/f, everyone else seems to have all of this. I know of nobody that is single, its to the point that i just want to die...