amount of Sex on TV


Well-known member
I think that there is too much sex on TV, and to hell what hollywood thinks that sex sells. I am so tired of turning on the TV, and seeing some form of sex being plastered all over the networks

Granted, i am most likely jealous, because it seems like people are having sex, and seem to have more of a chance of getting some than others, however everytime i see something sex related on TV, i want to punch something, it just pisses me off without end.

If you aren't sure what i mean, previews of TV shows, ads for erectile disfunction, etc.. etc..

Now you are probably saying that i should just not watch TV, and maybe isolate myself from society, some of that i do agree, but i am astill in conflict because i don't want to turn away from society, but at the same time, humanity is so f**ked up that i just want to live in my own world

what do you think?


Well-known member
I agree that's there's certainly alot of sex in the media. But it doesn't really bother me. If I had kids I think it would.

This is just the way the world is. Things are only going to get worse before they get better. Humanity is screwed up and it always will be. But that doesn't mean you have to lock yourself away from the world. There are plenty of people out there who have the same view as you. It's just finding them that's difficult.


Well-known member
hmmmm.... oversexualised kids don't mature properly... but otherwise it amazes me how the human race demonizes human sexuality.. a perfectly beautiful and natural function while we all glorify or just ignore violence as a normal part of everyday life... that friggen perverse to me. as far as lifesnotfair.... no shit get over it already.


Well-known member
you know what.. quit being so pessimistic and quit telling me to get over it, the reason why i post here is because of the fact that i can't. I need to post my concerns here, and if you have a problem with that, fine, but do not tell me to get over it... because i woul dlike to see if you could get over something just by saying "get over it"

Right.. i thought so...


Well-known member
I agree with you that there is alot of sex on TV, however, it does not bother me too much as sex is natural function and part of life.

Now it might bother you as you maybe not getting any, but stop complaining and do something about it. You are always so pessimistic when writing posts. I have never seen you write a positive thing here, unless I missed it :wink:
You are always whinging...its about time you did something about your loneliness and getting yourself a girlfriend. Okay you might be rejected the first, the second and the third time, but keep going. It happens to people who haven't got SA.

The thing is I think you spend too much time behind the computer and not so much time out in the real world.



Well-known member
I love a good 60s sexploitation film. I don't think sex on TV is a bad thing at all - I'm talking about R rated, not X, X belongs on DVD as it depicts a 'little' too much. But like you said, it's more the jealousy of not getting any yourself that makes you so angry.
I've noticed through your posts that when you get frustrated at something you can't do you get very aggressive and take shots at others who can do it. Why? Chill, man. Relax. I think one day, as long as we don't give up on ourselves, we will be able to do what we find difficult today. But don't expect utopia, nothing's perfect.


Well-known member
the reason why i spend so much time around the computer, is because computers do not reject your friendship, nor do they turn you down, betray you, and if its busted, you can fix it

and its not whining, many of you think that, well i don't care what you think, because its not true. its more going towards anger and frustration
and since sex is saturated all over TV, it pisses me off


Active member
hmmmm.... oversexualised kids don't mature properly... but otherwise it amazes me how the human race demonizes human sexuality.. a perfectly beautiful and natural function while we all glorify or just ignore violence as a normal part of everyday life... that friggen perverse to me. as far as lifesnotfair.... no shit get over it already.

Yes sex IS a wonderful and beautiful thing, but man open your freakin eyes, T.V. doenst exactly portray it as "beautiful and natural" All they want you to do is buy a product so they stamp a sexy girl on there to make you buy it (which makes no sense whatsoever) There are millions of other examples, and if you werent so blind perhaps you could see them. And as for lifesnotfair, whats your problem with him venting on here? OHHH JUST GET OVER IT ALREAD!! Wow what good advice. What are you some kind of pyschologist or somethin? Its must more complicated than that. So if he wants to vent, let him vent, and dont you go cry babyin over it, jeese. Oh by the way, sex isnt a normal part of everyones life you know. Though I'm sure alot of people here have mates and whatnot, alot of us dont. How bout you take your head out of your butt and look at someone else's world for once instead of staying locked up in your little world.


Well-known member
instead of seeing it as 'flaunting it in your face' why dont you try and look at it as though 'the rest of the guy out there only have one fucking thing on their brains, and they dont even appreciate that, at least i have a brain slightly larger than a peanut'?
much more positive way of looking at it, and extremely acurate.


Well-known member
yeah, yeah... sex is bad because I am not getting any. Um, don't flaunt it because it is dirty, dirty evil stuff... oh well at least we still have violence at least god approves of that..... goooooooooo religioun! woohooooo!


Well-known member
Reminds me of Holden Caulfield in the book "Catcher in the Rye" by Salinger -- he too was socially anxious who hadn't come to terms with his sexuality or developed into a sexually mature adult.

He would feel very upset by seeing the word "sex" written on the wall in a playground, fearing that little children would see it and would be scared/confused/upset.


Well-known member
It's not just plastered on all the tv networks.... it's in almost all magazines, radio, the main topic of most conversations, jokes, cartoons...... it's even here.... at SPW


It's not just TV, Life's Not Fair.... it's pretty much everywhere.


Well-known member
that's a shame I guee... especially if you don't have anyone... but there are alot worse inconveniences in life... I still don't get how all the superstitious bible thumpers have labeled sex as dirty or bad..? Sure it's not fulfilling, but neither are a lot of other simple pleasures... so what?


Well-known member
my penis doesn't get erect anymore... a joke or bad... good- god!!! give me a break... some people just happend to be frank and honest about a biological function that was happening to them.... :roll:


Well-known member
some people just happend to be frank and honest about a biological function that was happening to them....

You know... a lot of you people are way too defensive!! Who the -ell said anything was WRONG with what was said... I just made a -UCKING statement that sex is every -ucking where, NOT just on television. GIVE ME A BREAK you defensive, argument seeking individuals. GROW UP!!!


Well-known member
Furthermore you defnsive argument seeking nit-picking asshat, if you want to get technical, it's more of a biologial DYSfunction!! But the entire thread is sex related.


Well-known member
i don't think sex is bad, i think that sex is so saturizing the media that it just makes me want to vomit, its nothing to do with the bible, its just sucks to see it all around.


Active member
I sort of know what you are getting at Lifesnotfare, but with the whole beauty thing.
I can't stand looking at all these hot young people on TV and in movies who cannot act for shit!! It is not only unrepresentative but it insults my intelligence. There are so many great actors out there and still they wheel out these bleach blonde chicks called Kate, and some forgettable guys with square jaws!! YAWN!!!
Not to mention the script writing, or lack there of!! :evil: