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  • Thank you :) I'm really sorry about the late reply! I didn't see the notification. Do you have any pets?
    Hi Bexi my name is Ransford.There are not that many people from England on here.Even that means that there are not that many people with anxiety in the UK or maybe there are alot of shame people over here.Lol.Just thought I would say hi.Are you from London or another city in the UK.
    I have no clue what i want to study. I keep losing motivation to consider it that's the problem.
    Hi, haven't heard anything from you in ages. I'm not too bad, i hardly ever use this site now other than to check for messages. I still get anxious but not quite as much. I think that working in a shop has helped me a bit because i have to be social with customers. I still hate my job though. My life is not where i want it to be but i have no clue what direction to take, i've been thinking of college or something.

    Are you less anxious now?
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