Well, I posted several replies on your tumblr, but for some reason only one shows up, maybe only one allowed per user? It’s odd since it says “3 notes”, oh well…I’m a tumblr noob. In case you can’t read it all either, I’ll answer here as well:
“I'm quite rusty at this, and maybe I'm misinterpreting the concept of what you want to do, but, I believe you should declare a pointer instead of an array with a predetermined size. Like
struct block ***newSB;
Also, I got curious about your i,j ,k. They seem to be of a different byte size than a normal integer.
Also, and as I said, I didn’t program in quite some time, I think you actually need to declare that pointer in the ‘return’, like:
struct superblock *ptr;
return ptr;
Or, maybe you could return the address &newSuper right on the return“.
...Or maybe I'm totally wrong about everything and should have just shut my trap :
