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  • chunky monkey??? i wonder what's that? today i made marshmallows and added chocolate sauce and froze it. not quit ice cream but it came out real nice. maybe you can give it a go someday... :)
    green teas sounds very interesting, but the peanut butter sounds just awesome - i'm a peanut butter junkie. i usually use syrup for milkshakes to flavour the ice cream. i haven't tried anything like green tea etc. although i did try cardamom flavoured tea once and using rose syrup is great too.
    hey there - saw your vid. :Di thought i was the only person in the world who made his own ice cream. what flavour was that btw? i got a similar ice cream machine too. except my one (the only one i could buy) is shaped like mickey mouse lol ::p: anyway nice vid :)
    hehe okay... it's kinda like anti/Valentines is what I meant ('choose your own' - one or the other), cause some people really hate Valentine's so I put it that way just in case, but good to hear you're cool about it!
    hehe yeah, friends & family is what I meant. 'It is still Valentine's for me though I suppose.' what's that supposed to mean, hmm? :) Certain someone snatched you away from SPW? :) hmm!! (Do tell!!) Or are you just in another timezone?
    Happy antiValentine's Day! :) Wishing you interesting days, yummy ice cream, awesome friendships and little sparkles of sunshine!!
    Just wanted to say hello. I have a friend with the nickname Pookah. Your the only other person I have heard of with that name. KOOL!
    YAY Pookah!! :) Thanks for making it a sticky! Now maybe I need to put a sticky on my fridge to look at it everytime I feel down?!! :) YOU guyz ROCK! Thanks! :)
    Everything is going suprisingly well today. Probably because it was my day off. LOL My job is trying to get me to except a promotion which I am trying to refuse. But they are making it difficult. Corporate *******s. At least I know that I am good at my job and valued by them. How your job going? Anything exciting happening?
    Hey hows it going? Thanks for talking to me the other night. Nice new avatar by the way. How is everything?
    Believe it, you can be the greatest Hokage SPW has ever seen. A talking cat told me this so it must be true.
    Just don't kill me. Did I ever tell you how absolutely awesome you are? ^_^;
    Haha holy crap, grats on the promotion!
    Merry Christmas Pookah. :) I would've got you something but I figured nothing could compete with your newly appointed title of Super Mod :rolleyes: ::p:
    Happy New Year too, 2011 is going to be your year! Trust me, I know these things. :D
    Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!! :)

    Wishing you lots of wonderful moments and general awesomeness!!

    Woo, Pookah is a moderator now!! Super-powers!! :)
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