Thanks, I am glad you like my posts, I did notice too that we have something in common. (Probably we are mad

). These nightmares I sometimes have are definitely related to how much I´ve eaten, in case I am on a diet or my body is clean, I get it. There use to be a time when I was very thin and had these nightmares almost every other day. It made me so desperate that I even visited a psychic to ask what I could do about it

. But it helped when I put on more weight. Sometimes I have these things even when awake! Like yesterday, at awakening as if something twisted in my head and I got into this psychedelic state. My arms and legs were hot and heavy, pulsating with energy and I saw millions of eyes dancing in front of me and still changing, among it there was some kind of scaly skin like from a dragon or snake. So maybe it´s still remains of the halucinogen that I use to drink a lot. I actually get these nigtmares since then as far as I know.