My teacher thinks I'm retarded :/


Well-known member
Can you see the lesson in all this? Next time get to the point and just tell the teacher the truth. This will help them to understand your behavior and needs. Lying won't help you, it can make your problems worse, even SA-wise, because you know you are lying and this can make you feel too self-conscious.

When I had to make a presentation of my graduating project, I told the committee about my problem and they allowed me to make it separately. They were understanding and everything was fine.


Well-known member
Fuck it. I'm at university and a lot of people think i'm retarded, although no one says it (except my ex girlfriend who's taken to calling me thick too often for my liking nowadays). At first i responded by limiting myself, i began to doubt my abilities and thought i wasn't worthy for university/college, studies, etc. It's not worth it though, and you're going about it the right way. You're not retarded and you know it, so who cares what your teacher thinks!


Well-known member
I agree with Kamen. You might not have people that nice to deal with, but you should explain to people. By the way, I think your teacher would understand why you didn't tell the truth before if you explained now.


Well-known member
Don't pay too much attention to teachers. I remember a teacher telling me that I should 'try to be more sensitive to people around me, not to be selfish and join in!'...... If he'd been even slightly sensitive to the people around him, he'd have noticed I was being backstabbed badly, and couldn't possibly function normally because of it.

My point is, don't take it as a personal slight from a credible source. I didn't challenge what he said until later in life just because he was an adult and I was 16. It's only what he thinks, and he's wrong. Just because he's older doesn't mean he's necessarily insightful.

I still regret not taking it up with him though. So maybe you should just explain your problem - purely for your benefit, as you know, it's frustrating being misunderstood. But if you can be sure it won't bother you in the future, then let it go.