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  • I hope you are having a good day too!!!
    Try not let negative comments get to you.
    I understand what you suffer and thank youuuuuuuu!!! Namaste. :)
    Have a lovely day, afternoon...night..whatever time it is or day or galaxy or parallel universe. I just hope you feel great :D
    When people speak, I keep half of my attention on them until I hear something relevant to me. Then all of my attention turns to them. But we do need to stop getting locked in our heads::p:!
    That's good. :)

    I'm going well. I have been feeling a bit better the last several days, despite some melancholic moods. I hope to have it continue on! :)
    Well three official languages. English, Maori and NZ sign language. Most people speak English, but there is a lot of Maori here too - especially for our towns and cities. I think you are pretty intelligent - it's hard to measure - and there are different kinds of intelligence too - I think you would score quite highly. For someone who is bi - lingual and is studying child psychology....I would be hard convinced to think otherwise....and besides you are just an all round awesome chick anyway...
    I never would have thought english was not your natural language if I hadnt known you were from India. That is pretty interesting - I learned something new today...go me!
    We only have two languages here... English and Maori - I only know some Maori words though, my mum can speak it fluently.
    I have always thought that people who are bi lingual are very intelligent - but I have always known that about you anyway.
    You're not fluent at english? I think you are... you communicate exceptionally well in english. I didnt realize there were more than one indian dialect. That is my ignorance showing there.
    oh okay...same old....yaha bhi same he yaar lol....okay yaar ab chalna padega,,catch up with u later..apna khayal rakhna
    Why hello there Srijita... I am doing well. Can you speak indian fluently as well as english?
    Pretty much. No one talks to me, so I go into my head to entertain myself. This is starting to become a "chicken and the egg paradox"::p:.
    When I'm out in public, I'm usually listening to music or thinking about ideas for my books. That's what calms me down, but that also seems to make me look unapproachable or focused.
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