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  • Oh I wouldn't mind traveling on a train. That sounds kinda fun. Lol that's how I am too. I started seeing a doctor and she prescribed me some medication and it actually works.
    Idk about traveling on a boat but I'd rather do that than get on a plane. I just recently got my social anxiety under control. It was never super bad. I've always been able to talk to people. It's nice being able to talk to people who understand what you're going through tho.
    Yep for my senior trip in high school. It was so fun. That sounds awesome. I'd love to go to Germany or the U.K. but I'm extremely afraid of airplanes so I don't think that will ever happen. And don't be sorry. I think we're both here to make friends. :)
    Oh cool Florida is just right below me. I've been there once. And it is but a lot of faces from SB are. :p
    Nope I wish. I've only been to a couple of different states. & you're welcome. I love his face when he says, "You like krabby patties don't you Squidward?" It's so funny lol.
    Yes! We already have something in common lol. Yeah I wouldn't come to Georgia. It's boring here. And I'm sure you have a very cute accent. :) btw love the avatar haha.
    Haha I was the same way with speaking German. Ooooo England so that means you have that cute English accent. :p I'm from the US. Georgia to be exact.
    Haha fun. I took German in high school but I don't remember anything I learned. :p And I just turned 20 last month. I don't look like it though. I look about 16. It sucks lol.
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