Recent content by someoneelse

  1. S

    Can you remove my account?

    Moderator Can you remove my account?
  2. S

    self-conscious about posting question

    I am only new to this site but generally in my experience with anything to do with sharing my views I become self-conscious sooner or later and gradually trail off from giving them. Eventhough there seems to be a very possitive mood here and have gotten very helpful responses I tend to feel...
  3. S

    What are some SA self-help books?

    Just wondering if anyone has any reccomendations of books about SA or anxiety in general that has helped them. It has been awhile since I have read anything about it thinking that I know it so well but maybe someone has a new one that I have not read. I could always use new info.
  4. S

    How do you best forget past embarrassments?

    I am daily bothered by past embarrassments. Past thoughts of making errors in social situations come back to me when something reminds me of it. It seems as if the actual event is happening now. The worst is that just about anything can set these memories in motion. Some seemily harmless...