Recent content by Socially_Retarded

  1. Socially_Retarded

    Joaquin Phoenix... anxious Letterman interview??

    I was watching Joaquin Phoenix in his latest interview with Dave Letterman (YouTube - Joaquin Phoenix Bizarre Interview on Letterman: The New Andy Kaufman? - and the guy seemed awfully anxious, either that or he was high as a kite.. It somehow looks like how someone would...
  2. Socially_Retarded

    sexual frustration

    This is just a venting sesh about my inability to seduce girls into having sex with me... I have this feeling that being with a sexual partner would relieve me of so much stress. Im an absolute dork when it comes to talking to girls, like last night i bumped into this girl that i knew from...
  3. Socially_Retarded

    Valerian, anyone tried it?

    My doc put me onto these herbal sedative pills with Valerian and Hops (the stuff in beer), I took a few before going to uni the other day and apart from feeling sleepy it did help ease my SA although im not sure if its just the placebo effect. Its over the counter stuff, has anyone else has...
  4. Socially_Retarded

    Fresh start backfires... epically

    Ive hit a new low today, this is really fucking me up guys and I dont know what to do :( It was first day back at uni, plus I had to work this morning (I work in a call center calling people up to pay their credit cards & home loans, which is bad enough) and I thought it would be a way to start...