Recent content by snowcream

  1. snowcream

    How do you talk 'Normal' on the phone?

    Ok, so I just finished a telephone conversation with this guy i really like loads. And I feel awful. Not only am I shaken up, breathless and suffering from bloody palpitations, I just feel like a complete moron! :omg: Here's the best part! I work as a receptionist, I answer calls all day, fine...
  2. snowcream

    Do you worry about what your going to miss out on?

    I dont mean because of your anxiety, or anything in your life time; but in 1000's of years to come when the world will have developed without you? My tutor bought up a subject today and its made me feel mixed up. He was talking about victorian times and if we were now living in those days could...
  3. snowcream

    keep going into a strange phase when i'm around people

    i'm not sure whats wrong with me i feel intimidated by people; when i'm at college i'm fine one second talking with my friend then as soon as a person comes up to talk to her i have a horrible sensation come over me. i dont know what to do with myself i feel scared/awkward so i just stare at the...