Recent content by SmartyPants

  1. S

    Moving and bloke at work

    I just started a job 2 months ago. Theres a bloke there who I am attracted to and who seems really nice. All i really know about him is his name though. I told him I was moving and he offered to help me. Just wondering what people thought
  2. S

    Suicidal Ideation

    I just want to delete this now
  3. S

    what did you used to call things when you were younger?

    What did you or someone you know used to call things when you were a child? I used to take care of my ex's little girl - she was 5 and she used to call her freckles kisses from the sun :) I thought this was so cute.
  4. S

    what was the last thing that really made you laugh?

    What was the last thing that really made you laugh?
  5. S

    Do you do things just so youve something to say to people?

    Hi everyone, just wondering if people do activities go out with people just so they have something to talk about?