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  • Hi.I have sent you a private message in response to your last message.

    Glad you liked the song.I have been a fan of Slash for years in his various groups.Guns n Roses being my favourite of the groups,but I liked Velvet Revolver,Snakepit and I like the stuff he is doing with Miles Kennedy now.Probably not shouty enough for you though but I really like it.Heeehe I really like Alterbridge as well.
    Hi.Do you miss the friends you had or not.Friendships can be so complex and can be an emotional game of tug of war when games are being played,power struggles etc.The great thing about the internet is that you can do online courses.Have you done any studying since the problems studying that you mentioned.
    Hi.Unfortunetly some people can be too different due to factors like religion,nationality,race,gender,personality to be good friends.Alot of people only form relationships with specific types of people.Human nature plays its part,due to being more comfortable with people more like yourself I think.I try to be open minded but its harder for me to be so as I get older and gain more experience of people.Glad you seem to have had different experience.

    Quite a few people seem interested in the macabre and horror.I find it odd but what people like is their choice as long as they expect me to like it.

    If you dont mind me asking,why did you loose the friends you had.You dont need to answer if you dont want to.
    The differences between people such as tastes, can make them more interesting.Its interesting that you have a favourite month.Why is October so special for you.Some people here get into the more American idea of Holloween such as tricker or treat,going door to door in custume.Some people buy in sweets escpically.It looks fun for kids and seems to be quite a family event despite its origins.What do you at Holloween.

    I think one of my favourite months is April.When the weather starts getting warmer after a cold winter.Saying that,the last few winters here have been relatively mild.Good news for the songbirds and for me.Could be climate change since appartently it sometimes gets warmer earlier in spring than usual,
    Hi.Autumn/fall is a nice season in terms of the leaves changing colours and late plant flowering.In some ways its the saddest season for me since alot of plants slow down growth wise,most have finished flowering and winter is on its way.I dont like being cold but since you like snow I guess you like winter and thats fair enough.Actually I rather be too hot than too cold,but thats my preference and others may be different.

    In England we have lots of different types of birds like Swifts,Swallows,Geece etc that migrate here.There are lots of birds like Robins,Black birds,Wood pigeons,Jays.Lots of fish in rivers,mammals like Squirrels,Badgers,Deer.Reptiles like slow worms,newts,insects like Dragonflies,Butterflies,Moths.Lots of farm animals like cows,sheep.

    We dont have large snakes,wolves,bears etc.We do have some small snakes like Adders,but they are not that dangerous.I would not like living somewhere with poisonous snakes,spiders.
    Hi.What local animals,birds do you have in your area.Summer here has just started and this year seems to be flying past too fast.It seemed like spring flew by.Summer and spring are my favourite months,autumn is fine too but winter is my least favourite season.I really dislike being cold.How about you.
    Hi.Sounds like a real family business is the plan.That can have its positive and negative points working with family,friends etc.But it depends on the personalities involved though I think.

    Im able to separate in mind the problems I have through anxiety say with travelling,crowds etc from the event in this case the circus.I dont allow my issues to spoil my enjoyment of the event despite feeling anxious at the time.

    The circus was in the top five events I have been to.The performers were just so skillful.I saw some of the performers selling merchanise during the break.Everyone getting involved with all aspects of the show to make the event profitable,efficient.It demonstrates there work ethic.I think they do three sets of two hour shows per day.

    There is a nature reserve close to my home that I walk around reguraly.Its big with a mix of wet parts,trees,grass land,ponds.I love it.
    Okay.Sounds like there is a big demand for the products you mentioned.Do you or your mum have experience of running a business and selling.

    Yes,I like to know a little about everything.Philosophy can help people to get a better understanding of themselves,the world and other people.Their motivations etc.Have you read much philosophy.

    Do you have any favourite nature spots you visit.

    I went to the circus few days ago and despite the crowds I enjoyed it.I like trying new things sometimes when Im in the mood.
    Oh, okay. I guess I can't blame you. Well, I'm sure you'll feel right at home in Venice. Laid back place! Damn, the weather down here sucks right now, I won't to hit the beach-Now!
    I've been there before. It's tough, severing ties with someone you've been with for years. The way I see it, now you know what you want and need as well as don't want.
    I'm going to use the summer to screw my head back on, relax....go to the beach. figure out my next moves.
    Okay.It sounds like your someone that is facinated by alot of subjects an enjoys learning.Im like that and I can usually be found with head in book or online reading about nature,history,science etc.So much to learn about and the great thing is almost endless.Always something new to learn.

    I grow all my plants in containers so if you really want to grow a few things then its possible.I have about 30 plants at the moment.A mix of bulbs,annuals,perrenials,seedlings,plants grown for seeds,some I bought as small plants then grew them on.Plants unlike people are not fussy.Heeehe.They just need soil,water,fertilizer and love basically.

    Starting a business sounds interesting.What products,services would you provide.

    Keyboards are not that expensive and they sound pretty much the same as a real piano. If you really want to play again then you can if you want to.
    Hi. I have been teaching myself acoustic guitar from books and online for a few months.No reason why you can not buy a cheap instrument and start learning if you really want to.There even are apps to help people learn chords etc.My favourite instruments to listen to are the electric guitar,piano and violin.

    Lol.Big chance of subject.I love plants and I have some gardening qualifications,so Im trying to become a gardener.I even volunteer once a week as well as work part time in a resturant.Why did you ask
    and how about your plans.
    Hi.I find speaking to you interesting.I have had a fantasy or two about being in a rock band or rnb singer when I was younger.I dreamed about being in Queen,Guns n Roses and being able to perform like M Jackson.To be honest I still, sometimes fantasise about that now.Lol.No doubt there are big problems with being in agroup as well as some big positives.

    Best and worst band names.Mmm,Let me think.Some that come to mind under worst,are Raging speed horn,Garbage,Nine inch nails,Red hot chilly peppers,Feeder,Pigeon detectives,Kean,Frankie goes to Hollywood,Smashing Pumpkins,Skunk anansie,Limpbiskit.Some of these groups musically I do like.

    Best band names I think are,Nirvana,Placebo,Creed,Velvet Revolver,Faith No More,Muse,Stone temple pilots,Maniac street preachers.
    Another song I like the lyrics to is by Velvet Revolver and its call pill,demons etc.

    You, you got skills you got the pills
    You're getting older
    You got the weight of all that's left you on your shoulder
    But the world still waits for you
    Though you stare right through me

    You got your demons and your ways of life
    You could pull the trigger and
    You'd end the strike

    I got the news you had the blues you bought a ticket
    To the one place that I won't be going to visit
    What the f..k where you thinking
    Now I stare right through you

    You got your demons and your ways of life
    You could pull the trigger and
    You'd end the strike
    You got your demons and your fancy wine
    It would go down easy if you'd spend the night

    You got your demons and your ways of life
    You could pull the trigger and
    You'd end the strike
    You got your demons and your fancy wine
    It would go down easy if you'd spend the night
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