Woo! Happy early birthday! Watcha gonna bake? And I usually just like the malls in the bigger cities and the stores I always end up in are the girlie stories like Sephora & The Body Shop. What are some places you like to shop ?
I wanted to buy a cosplay dress of hers but they are super expensive, like 100 bucks it's crazy! But I used to have the exact cross necklace she has when I found it I was like 'no way this looks exactly like hers'! No I haven't heard of them, are they a band ?
I liked Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy, quite a froody book. Terrible film they made a few years ago though, old BBC series was much better. Is manga that Japanese anime..stuff?
I love the way Misa dresses, so it'll be interesting to see ! First time I heard the Maximise the Horomone I was scared lol now I love the theme, besides all the screaming it's actually a catchy song
QI is cool. Never watch reality TV though. I like things like Doctor Who, How I met Your Mother, Big Bang Theory, IT Crowd, etc... Reading tends to be random fantasy or sci-fi books, especially books by Alastair Reynolds, I quite like him. Do you read much?
I've seen Saw 2 And was disturbed ever since to watch anything else. Theres a part in it (SPOILER ALERT) with needles, this girl falls in a pit of needles and ever since I can't watch any more. I always introduce people to Death Note but it's always a 50-50 reaction, some go 'this is stupid' others go 'I like this'. It's always either or.
Any favourite tv programmes? Apart from the writing and messing around on the internet, not a huge amount. A lot of my time is spent working, but I do read quite a lot and mess about on computer games
Yeah, plus I heard they are coming out with a Saw 7 (I think. I lost count too many ) I still have yet to see the last one but I'm avoiding being dragged to the movie to see it. Jigsaw always gave me the creeps. And yeah, if you haven't read Death Note then some people are quick to think it's some weird cult thing. I've had that reaction tons of times
Oh of course, of course Getting published is very difficult though, so I'm trying to be realistic about it and not get my hopes up. To be honest, doing things like that is just practice. I couldn't do any web programming about 4/5 years ago, but I just slowly taught myself. So what else do you get up to in your spare time apart from the studying & baking?
will have to see, it's been about 5 years and i'm still nowhere near ready to send it off to a publisher yet :/ work as a web developer mostly, amongst other little roles. i'm not totally sure yet. i was thinking something like software engineering, but i'm not sure i really want to carry on staring at a computer for 8 hour a day..so maybe something different
I use to read manga at school and people would look at me like 'what the heck'. I guess it's the whole judge a book my it's cover sort of thing I think that they prob restrict the whole gore factor so kids can get in at movies, with an exception to Saw of course . That scared me.
ahh thought so. You had me confused for a minute, but I hardly remember the characters But the names you said I completely forgot but now I remember. It was such a good book, you reminded to reread it . And yeah I didn't find I had nightmares but when it comes to books for some reason it tends to scare me more than movies. Probably because movies make the scary stuff look cheesy.
I have read it! I loved it personally, thought it was really creative but the description of the crime scenes were kinda gory. . I don't remember though was the girl the fiance of Light (Kira ?) ? If so I completely must of skipped that detail of the book.
Fictional - sort of fantasy/sci-fi.. stuff. ah cool, one of my friends from school went to study pharmacy. I assume you really enjoy it then? Since you've been doing it for years.