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  • Woo! Happy early birthday! :) Watcha gonna bake? And I usually just like the malls in the bigger cities and the stores I always end up in are the girlie stories like Sephora & The Body Shop. What are some places you like to shop ?
    Nothing special I might go shopping not sure about that though. How bout you?
    Yeah I guess maybe one day I will! I first have to get over my fear of cameras :p!
    I know me too! Ahh no way I am waaay too picture shy :D! I'd have to dig through my tons of entangled jewelry to find it :p!
    I wanted to buy a cosplay dress of hers but they are super expensive, like 100 bucks it's crazy! But I used to have the exact cross necklace she has when I found it I was like 'no way this looks exactly like hers'! No I haven't heard of them, are they a band ?
    I liked Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy, quite a froody book. Terrible film they made a few years ago though, old BBC series was much better. Is manga that Japanese anime..stuff?
    I love the way Misa dresses, so it'll be interesting to see :D ! First time I heard the Maximise the Horomone I was scared lol now I love the theme, besides all the screaming it's actually a catchy song
    I'll have to watch it (Or is it read?!) It now. Ohh I still know both the death note themes, they're stuck in my head :p!
    I really want to see it, everyone tells me it's super good but I keep forgetting to go rent it or buy the manga. :p Is it good?
    QI is cool. Never watch reality TV though. I like things like Doctor Who, How I met Your Mother, Big Bang Theory, IT Crowd, etc... Reading tends to be random fantasy or sci-fi books, especially books by Alastair Reynolds, I quite like him. Do you read much?
    I've seen Saw 2 And was disturbed ever since to watch anything else. Theres a part in it (SPOILER ALERT) with needles, this girl falls in a pit of needles and ever since I can't watch any more. I always introduce people to Death Note but it's always a 50-50 reaction, some go 'this is stupid' others go 'I like this'. It's always either or. :p
    Any favourite tv programmes? Apart from the writing and messing around on the internet, not a huge amount. A lot of my time is spent working, but I do read quite a lot and mess about on computer games :p
    Yeah, plus I heard they are coming out with a Saw 7 (I think. I lost count too many :p) I still have yet to see the last one but I'm avoiding being dragged to the movie to see it. Jigsaw always gave me the creeps. :p And yeah, if you haven't read Death Note then some people are quick to think it's some weird cult thing. I've had that reaction tons of times :p
    Oh of course, of course :p Getting published is very difficult though, so I'm trying to be realistic about it and not get my hopes up. To be honest, doing things like that is just practice. I couldn't do any web programming about 4/5 years ago, but I just slowly taught myself. So what else do you get up to in your spare time apart from the studying & baking?
    will have to see, it's been about 5 years and i'm still nowhere near ready to send it off to a publisher yet :/ work as a web developer mostly, amongst other little roles. i'm not totally sure yet. i was thinking something like software engineering, but i'm not sure i really want to carry on staring at a computer for 8 hour a day..so maybe something different
    I use to read manga at school and people would look at me like 'what the heck'. I guess it's the whole judge a book my it's cover sort of thing :p I think that they prob restrict the whole gore factor so kids can get in at movies, with an exception to Saw of course :p . That scared me.
    ahh thought so. You had me confused for a minute, but I hardly remember the characters :p But the names you said I completely forgot but now I remember. It was such a good book, you reminded to reread it . And yeah I didn't find I had nightmares but when it comes to books for some reason it tends to scare me more than movies. Probably because movies make the scary stuff look cheesy.
    I have read it! I loved it personally, thought it was really creative but the description of the crime scenes were kinda gory. :p . I don't remember though was the girl the fiance of Light (Kira ?) ? If so I completely must of skipped that detail of the book.
    Fictional - sort of fantasy/sci-fi.. stuff. ah cool, one of my friends from school went to study pharmacy. I assume you really enjoy it then? Since you've been doing it for years.
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