Hey..here I am lol. It's nice that I don't need to be affraid again that you will judge me also for nor replying the message the same day.
You are very happy that you have kind mother who takes care of u and here for u when you need her. My parents are ok too, sometimes they don't understand some things but at the end I think I can count on them and know that they will help me If things get worse for me-hope they not. Are you on some meds? Does this problems bother you for a long time? Yeah, everything is better than being stuck

I have lot of worries on my mind at the moment..the only bright moment this few days was going to the concert of Depeche M.
Altough I had small panic attacks there. It was very crowded of course so at the moments I was catching my breath..but when the concert started..eh, exstazy

I am waiting patiently for your answer..don't need to hurry LOL..