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  • It's okay; we both had a pile of work thrown onto us::p:. But what do you mean by "disturbing and vulgar books"?
    Yes, I have to present it in front of everyone. The first group that presented today had a lot of questions barraged at them. When I walked into class, I nearly hyperventilated. But, to calm my anxiety, I usually just listen to music, think about my stories, or just clear my mind. What books do you like to read?
    What are you jittery about? Coincidentally, I just cleaned my room today::p:! I have to work on a presentation that I have to present tomorrow. I had a group, but I'm not sure if they did anything or not. We were supposed to meet last Sunday, but I never saw them. My presentation is an emergency back-up. I'm stressed!
    Haha that's perfectly okay! You didn't come across weird or anything. Even if you thought you did, I'm sure I wouldn't have noticed. I can be a bit strange too. ::p:
    Thanks for your post I like what you wrote. You had the courage and insight to articulate what was only a baseline feeling for me. Well done. It was beautifully said and I have saved it to my computer.
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