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    I can read and write it, but I dont speak it so well. I have a hard time really investing myself in it because Im a biology major so it has no importance whatsoever to my goals in life lol. They just make you take a foreign language. I picked Japanese because Im into anime and I've been to Japan before. But now its a pain in my butt >.< You speak any other languages?
    The only thing I have planned is meeting some people in this group Im in for Japanese conversationalist. Im not Japanese but I need help with my homework. I gotta give a 10 minute speech in class. Hopefully they can help me put the draft together :X
    Oh Fridays are always great. I just got one class today then I can do what I want lol.
    Hello, thanks for the kind words, made my day :)
    Hello again! Haven't been here for a while :) How have you been doing? I still haven't checked out that Korean drama site, though I should. Also the Korean movies I've seen have almost all been... well, BL :D There was that time when I was so into BL stuff. But I'm past it, phew. They weren't all too bad though, but I can't remember the names. (Lolz, cute fish, D_A)
    need to put names to neon guys , this is the neon one
    Lolz well i ve just one male i mean just one male of the bettasplendes specie , because they really would fight soo much for alpha man title lolz i ve many species in my aquarium ones are "neons" that are brighty like the neon xD are little and longer and sometimes i imagine in my fantasy that they could be a good trap vs mosquitos that sometimes wanna suck my blood and are very boring lolz i ve a lot fishes i ve also plants that i took from the lake when i was younger i use to go to lake to find new plants and also to find the mussels its fun xD btw haha nice pic of ur fish lolz u maked her up with ur make up?xD jk maybe we can make meet one of my fishes with ur actress fish in the pic xD lolz
    lolz i wrote more than 1000 caracters before the system ddidnt allow me to post the message i had to split thats y im writing another message xD btw how is going CatMooN?
    ThaNKs ^^ btw they are bettasplendens idk if u know that kind of fishes the male its called the fighter if u put 2 males in a aquarium they will fight everysecond thats y there is one male(goku) and one female ( chichi ) and its fun to see how goku try to make chichi fall in love with him lolz he make like a peacock his fins ( i just serached this words in english hope are well translated xD cuz my english quite bad ) btw i link u an image of my goku (ill try to put the image here i never tried so if dont work well dont yell at me xD)
    triple bigger fish xD that i call the dishy because has a weird dish shape ^^
    I simply love languages, they're my thing :D Wow, I always wished I could speak Korean! I love that language so much. It's like the number one language I wanna learn ATM ^^ My love for it started with a Korean band named Epik High. Here's one of their songs:

    ????Epik High Fan - YouTube

    Do you listen to Korean music? And I'd love to watch some Korean dramas, could you possibly recommend me some? :) I've seen some Korean movies, but I'd love to watch some Korean shows. Only not comedy, 'cause I don't really care for it... :rolleyes:
    Thanks ^^ I'm in high school, it's my second year now. I went to a half-English grammar school. Well, Finnish of course is my native language. Besides English I've studied Swedish, Spanish and French. What languages do you speak? :)
    That's very nice to hear! And wow, that's a huge compliment :3 Actually, English isn't my second language. But I used to go to a half-English school, and I've been studying English since I was nine years old.
    Then hi CatMooN ^^ good that u like it ^^ btw Jedi its a he , idk if u have seen Star Wars but i like in somegames to be named like SkYWaLKeR ^^ so i like to think that he is my student i wanna teach him to make big jumps and fight lolz xD and so some cool things but he is quite lazy xD i dont have pets too a part from the fishes in the aquarium but idk if u count them as pets xD but i like to call them also in some weird things for example there is one called goku and her "wife" called chichi ^^ but i consider a bit of mine Jedi too even if is from neightbours btw im studing engeneering and u? how is going?
    Yeah, I'm very much enjoying it here. Maybe even too much, since I spend all of my time here. Not that I would have much else to do though. This weekend's really been nothing special, been feeling down, neutral, down, neutral. But I look forward to seeing you again ^^ Maybe we could also talk through PM's?
    Hey Luna u just changed avatar xD it seem a cat armor so i could maybe call u something like CaTMooN =P btw ur avatar seems also another cat that i ve in the tip of my tongue but cant remember...(for next time ill for sure remember xD)its of a cartoon i think or something like that btw nice ^^ anyways finally few days of rest from univ during the weekend , u seem very positive and good person nice to chat with u =) take care hope to talk u soon and btw i like cats too i have one well its not really mine its of my neightbours but he is always sleeping in my door xD his name its Jedi ^^ well cya soon
    I hope it'll get better for you. I have depression as well, but none of these things have been diagnosed so it kind of pains me. I've been SA pretty much for my whole life. As long as I can remember.

    Yeah, I'm so grateful I discovered this forum. I somehow feel like this is the only place where I can be myself and actually say something like "I had a ****ty day" without getting another ****load on me. I somehow feel like home here. This place really is special, and it really means a lot to know that these people understand, because they are going through similar stuff.
    Oh, that's what it's called! The bipolar disorder, is it? I've been trying to remember the name for a while now. I think I have it. I should see a therapist as well, or someone, who could tell me what's wrong with me. Just that I don't know where to start. I thought about net therapy (there actually is such thing), but I looked at the prices and I couldn't afford it. I probably should talk to the psychologist at our school, for that would be free. But I just somehow find that hard as well, going there. Are you progressing with your search for a therapist?
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