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  • I’m in school, but grown up school. Regular school was a long time ago. I’m an academic/scientist.
    Miss Clouseau,
    1st para – don’t quite understand- I’ve dropped by SAS but never logged in.

    The trip is just for one day to do some domestics. Why are you bored so often?

    It’s been a really slow day. Computer was slow this morning and the day has continued that way. I’m letting the Olympics and forums take up too much of my time. Shame as I need to prepare for a road trip on Friday to the city.

    Going to find another way of writing to you.

    Wow. I’ve just been to the canteen for breakfast and I was so together. I felt *** but I got through it no problem. There was a thread recently asking if you can still act normal even with SA. That is my immediate goal.
    I got involved in some stupid discussion about cats today. I regret joining in. I think that this is why people use short one or two word replies and then leave it at that. It stops you digging yourself into a hole.
    I’ve just been reading a thread on judging. I’m judgmental. I wish I wasn’t. Another thing on the ‘to work on’ list.
    I dropped in on SAS this morning. You’re chatty! Seems to be full of one or two word replies! Don’t think it’s my thing. If I got into it I would spend hours on it.

    I’ve learnt a lot on SWP so this is where I will stay for a while longer.
    I’ve stayed up all through the night. I don’t do that often. Enjoyed it.

    You won’t find me on other SA forums.

    I going to look out of the window and watch the sunrise.
    I gotta do some planning today so that next week will go well. There are some people that I need to see and some jobs that need to be done.

    Your username…I don’t fully understand it yet? XD

    They are talking about Daria on the forum. Have you seen the show?
    Lost you?.Oh well OK…I guess you’re not nerd enough yet! I did not logon to SPW first thing in the morning which has been my habit recently. The early morning went much better. I had lots more time to get ready and stuff but also mentally I was much more prepared for the day. Just going to skim through last night posts and then get with today’s science. In terms of SA where I am today is a good place to do some Exposure Response Prevention which I try and do daily. It’s a very effective CBT element which my CBT therapist introduced me to. Later on today some YT and watch some Olympics. So have a good one, chat later.
    Te he….one of my fav tv series of recent times is The Big Bang Theory. I see myself as being a mix of the four male characters. More recently because of ‘twiggle’s’ avatar I’ve been watching Daria.
    My future is all science related but my background is not so every day, beyond what I have to do anyway, I watch some science YT. Today it was stem cells and cell cycles. You did not smell sarcasm but noticed me trying to be cool about science. It is odd, I am, by choice becoming a nerd.
    Well, that did not go very well. I managed to download some malware instead and it is a real problem to get rid of it. It’s quite serious. Yesterday on YT I enjoyed an interactive tutorial on the periodic table…bliss..today will be proteins or DNA or something like that. But hey, be careful what you share about your folks! Even if they send you nuts.
    Yeah, addictive and difficult to skim but at the moment that’s OK. I also think that there is a way to embed messages so that they are not all displayed individually. I shall investigate. I also need to investigate how to download YouTube videos as I still don’t know how and I need more stuff that is already downloaded so I’m not dependant on a broadband connection when I fancy watching some videos.
    Yeah you’re right. I only came across it by chance. I was seeing a CBT therapist but as I’m not in my home town at the moment and to keep the good work that the CBT has done going I went looking and found this site. It has been has been very beneficial and also sometimes it’s quite funny.
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