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  • Hello Lurk, Thanx for the message and much appreciated. I hope is all fine with you as I haven't seen you on chatbox lately.
    to be honest, i don't understand myself about the pictures . And concerning this strange issue, i found it a bit easier that u and others have similiar problems. There are points in life when i'm thinking to drop out all pictures that i'd made because it remind me of some unpleasant people i was surrounded. Well, Ariel, now i know your name - i hope you like your name, it is very exotic heh . Mine is Душан (ш doesn't exist in Russian, that i know and if you want to say name proper , it would be something like " Dushan" :D)
    Hav' a nice day , as i remeber you like hot wheather with some summer breeze - let it be like that ;)
    i'm not able to post a pic of me, in this forum. especially in this forum
    it would be good if that is my only problem.
    How's u? Btw, i dunno your name.
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