Recent content by Luckiecharm

  1. Luckiecharm

    When people let you down

    Hi all, There's alot of change going on in my life right now and this has triggered my anxiety, making me extra sensitive and vulnerable. So, when my closest friend chose this moment to tell me how hard it is to put up with my inability to make plans or stick to them, I got really upset. It's...
  2. Luckiecharm

    Appointment anxiety?

    Hi all, I've been working on my recovery for 4 years now and I'm happy to report that I'm finally in a place where I can more or less accept myself and the fact that I'm socially anxious sometimes. 8) So, lately I've been noticing that my anxiety levels only get to that high level of panic...
  3. Luckiecharm

    New Anxiety Book

    Hello everybody, Yes, I've written a book about Anxiety! Oh no, not another self-help book on how to beat anxiety in six easy steps I hear you cry. No! I wanted to write a book on what it's really like to live with an Anxiety Disorder - an honest account with a realistic outlook. I believe...
  4. Luckiecharm

    Does anyone find it harder in summer?

    That question looks a bit dubious now that I've typed it :? but what I mean is that I find the limitations I experience due to SP are more obvious in the summertime. I don't know if it's the good weather or the longer evenings, but everybody seems to be out socialising and I feel even more of...
  5. Luckiecharm

    My attempt at complete honesty!

    Hello to all you courageous people on this site!! It was only when I started to read all of your open and honest stories that I realised how much I cover up my Social Anxiety. I always try to put a positive spin on it, to make it more pallatable for other people. I mean, I wouldn't want them...