Does anyone find it harder in summer?


Active member
That question looks a bit dubious now that I've typed it :? but what I mean is that I find the limitations I experience due to SP are more obvious in the summertime. I don't know if it's the good weather or the longer evenings, but everybody seems to be out socialising and I feel even more of a recluse than normal. It's like the whole world is having a beach party and I haven't been invited; and even if I was I wouldn't be able to go! :(


Well-known member
I've felt extremely anxious during the last few days of hot weather. I think it's because I can feel myself perspiring a lot more, and it's pretty hard to cool down. When I was in town yesterday, there were so many people around sunning themselves, sitting on the grass etc, I was really starting to panic when I could feel myself starting to perspire.

Like you said, Luckiecharm, it's also hard seeing everyone out and about socialising and enjoying themselves. It certainly reminds me of how SP has engulfed my life, and how much I limit it as a result.


Well-known member
Yeah I HATE the summer, hate hate hate it. Hate the heat and hate the socialising.

Give me the cold and rain, i'm likely to go out in the rain.


Well-known member
i think i feel like that to, i look at people like there a different species :lol: i sit and think how each person makes up the world while i sit and watch 8O


Well-known member
nah, i actually love summer and it doesnt really affect me. in fact going to park to play basketball everyday is really enjoyable (hell i do that all year long though ) but during summer i dont have to worry about the weather. im also losing alot of weight and working out so i expect my confidence to go up a little.

i actually go out alot more during the summer. planning to go to a few concerts , going out on a few weekends. this summer im going to try to get rid of alot of my sa by just throwing myself into social situations and trying to face my fears.
. hopefully it works out- could just backfire though. . :oops:


Well-known member
I find summer a bit harder, too.

I do agree that the reason is largely that everyone else seems to be happier and having fun in the good weather, they're outside much more, therefore are more visible in their apparent happiness, and they stay out way into the late evening because, where I live, it's still broad daylight at 11:00pm...which gives me the heebee-jeebees. Night-time should be dark!!

In the darkness of winter, people spend less time outdoors, so are less visible. They also seem to be more gloomy which, I guess, makes me feel less alone in my own misery.

I prefer the warmth of summer but I like the long, dark nights of winter.

Roll on September!!


Active member
Oh I'm so glad I'm not the only one! :) All year long I've been waiting for the sun and moaning about the crap, cold, rainy weather. But now that it's here I feel under alot of pressure to do more stuff and be outside more. :roll:


Well-known member
Summertime is in fact the only time of the year where I finally can exhale after the long winter where I mostly "hold my breath" 8O at social gatherings... :wink: When I'm outside, espacially in the summer, my anxiety is hardly noticable compared to when I have to socialize inside in a small room. I have noticed that espacially dark rooms and rooms with no windows are the worst for me, I'm almost guaranteed panic attacks! Light, especially day-light on the other hand, has a very calming effect on me... :D So being outside bbq'ing or at the beach etc in the summer are the only time where I can enjoy myself around people without worrying so much!


Well-known member
Luckiecharm said:
That question looks a bit dubious now that I've typed it :? but what I mean is that I find the limitations I experience due to SP are more obvious in the summertime. I don't know if it's the good weather or the longer evenings, but everybody seems to be out socialising and I feel even more of a recluse than normal. It's like the whole world is having a beach party and I haven't been invited; and even if I was I wouldn't be able to go! :(
I am also dubious in the summer. Especially when you see people having a good time and barbecuingand myself am shy and lonlely and cant join in get on my nerves.


Well-known member
Yes,summer is full of anxiety. I love winter,rain and nights cause nobody sees me.
...........ohh i'm so glad i'm not the only one!!!!! i hate summer cause everybody else around me seems to be so freakin happy with their summer clothes...and summery attitude :evil: .....camping, picnics and gettogethers :x .....going out....cause it's daylight so much longer...and plus....where i live...the summer air is so hot and's hard to breathe.....i'd much rather have a thunderstorm or lots and lots of snow 8)


Well-known member
Blast the fekin summer!!!.If plants didnt need sun I would do a Monty Burns and cover my town in perpetual darkness!....muuuwaahahahahaha! :twisted:

Ok maybe not but yeah.It really makes you think more about all the things your missing out on.Especially when people go travelling and stuff,i always presumed after i left School id travel the world.Now i find myself getting uncontrollably jealous toward people that are!.

Winter is great thought because SP makes you feel sensitive and the winter allows you to dress that way.Polo necks and hiding behind big cosy coats really helps.Bring on those cosy dark nights!


Well-known member
I think the summer is worse because I blush a lot and the heat doesn't help my poor little red cheeks. :oops: :cry: I LOVE winter and rain. Especially in Arizona it's so hot and dry I love every half inch of rain we get :)


Well-known member
I like summer in the rain everything smells so fresh and new.Other then when it rains they can keep summer.It's to hot and summer seem to remind me of all the thing i'm missing out on.


Well-known member
well i've skipped summer last year, i hated summer so baddd.... the thing that everyone goes out in summer and i'm locked up home, the only reason i went out was to buy some needs. i made the enviroment of my home like it was in winter.

now is different, i worked a lot in winter to imporve myself, my comuinication skills, trying to give myself an identity.... i tried my best. now only the last steps are next... and a great new summer will start!.. hopefully.... better days are finally coming!


Active member
It is harder for me in the summer, people are more active out having fun and I feel left out. I try to do things but usually end up driving around alone and exploring new roads, basicly just wasting gas. A lot of times I see pretty girls while driving and just think to myself "man wish I could talk to her". It just goes back to me feeling inferior (sp?) so much self-doubt I feel like the first words out of my mouth to a her would be "Hi I'm a loser, how are you"
Seeing people so excited out having fun just makes me realize how closed off I am and basicly afriad of life. Sleeping is a good escape


Well-known member
The heat really makes me irritable. Argh!!!! *beats chest gorilla stylee*

Semi-naked people annoy me.

Everyone's having fun and I'm depressed.

Yeah, in a way, summer sucks, but when I was a child summer was a dream come true. :(