Lorraine Manca

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  • have you seen these things. in austlalia, you can buy a house and tow it away, i you happen to have access to a lorry :)

    Exactly! I was so lost after I had to put down my last one, I honestly couldn't stand the pain, and I was going to take my own life... A co-worker suggested I get another one to ease the pain, so I did, and I'm glad because she is a "distraction" sort of from the loss. It still breaks my heart. I never knew I could care for something so much that loosing it almost destroyed me. I held him tight in my arms while the vet gave him the lethal injection, and I had an out of body experience. I felt almost like I was at the peak of a roller coaster, and the chain was about to let go of the train... It was the point of no return, and it scared the hell out of me. I sobbed like a baby for weeks. I still have problems with it, thinking how I could have had my best friend killed just to ease his pain. I hate playing God. I love them dogs, their fun, intelligent, loyal, and most importantly very loving.
    Hey! I just remembered the "What book are you currently reading" thread - did you finish One Hundred Years of Solitude? What did you think?
    ive ran out of cat food and ive ran out of cats to feed:confused:
    i suppose theres still cheese for moocher but wallace doest eat cheese.

    i was looking for black bags in the hall outside of the flat but i couldnt find any and when i moved a bike everything fkn moved at the same time and made a very large noise disturbing the neighbours at 3 oclock in the morning
    so i thought the best idea was to throw the rubbish in the harbour. but i fell and all the rubbish went all over the street, theres fkn loads of it all over the place, but i cant go back outside to sort it out cause its daylight. i hope im not alive tommorow:D
    aye its a great film like, its called 'still crazy' thats why i love it:)
    i think you can watch it on utube, but its in 10 minute parts though

    Still Crazy (1998)
    the reason i like the song so much is cause of the ending of the film. when the guy comes out of the mental institution after years of being a recluse. ahl send you the original again even if you dont like billy connolly::p:

    happy and emotional times

    YouTube - The Flame Still Burns
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