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  • Distintive artists are the ones I like so thanks for telling me about him.There was a surrelist artist call Salavador Dali,is he the guy you mean.The inside of this guys head must be amazing.A well developed imagination producing scenes containing melting clocks,etc.I have only been interested in paintings for a couple of years and it is still exciting to find artists paintings that move me.A while ago I did a google search on black artists and one of the artists I found was a man called Emery Franklin.His style and Kincaids have similarities.Franklin seems to have made it main stream and that is good.Have you heard of him.
    Hi.I had a look at the paintings by T kincaid.They were quite striking.Nice bright colours and a dream lidlike quality.I bit like the real world but visually enhanced if you know what I mean.Most of the art I look at is by artists from the far past.Im realizing that contemporary art can be special too.
    Hey thanks for posting that Miami Horror video, I'd never heard of them before, but they're great!
    Much better!!!
    I have written my share of very dark poetry in the past.Lots of Poetry have a grain or more of sadness running through them.I guess landscape paintings have alot more going on in them compared to portrait painting.I have seen some nice portrait paintings but landscapes are just really special to look at due to all the emotions that they stirr up inside of me.I can not recommend you having a look at some of Constable's work at least.Im guessing they will blow you away if you like pictures that show the sky,trees,water,animals,etc.Our friend Mr Google could be used.Lol.I dont know much about Thomas Kincaid and I will have a look online at his work.
    Brillent.Im a big fan of landscape art and some of my favourite artists paint landscapes.Renoir,JWM Turner,Constable,Monet.I suppose the best poetry is written by deep thinkers who are in touch with their emotions.Maybe you should try it.Its quite therapeutic to put your feelings on paperm
    Yes they are lame.
    I guess they're fun to people who have something to look foward to.
    Not right now, I don't have much to look foward to.
    Omg. That would be fun! lol.
    Outside? It is 100+ all week long.
    I went out last night in the dark and it was still an oven.
    I've been in Missouri for too long, I hiss at the sun and hot air.
    IDK, I will have to sort something out :)
    Embrassment, school, people, SA, being lonley, having nothing better to do and eating all the fatty foods. I am dreaming of food now, who needs a man when you have cinnamon buns? :( I think it will get better.
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