Recent content by Dovahkiin

  1. Dovahkiin

    Do any of you wish that you live in another time?

    I wish i lived in the 1800's
  2. Dovahkiin

    Group therapy VS One on one therapy

    I've only seen a therapist one on one. I was wondering if any of you have done both. Does either one better than the other or does it all depend on the person?
  3. Dovahkiin

    Need Advice

    How do you tell someonewho doesn't understand AT ALL what you go though and what it feels like to be socially anxious?
  4. Dovahkiin

    What's your favorite sitcoms?

    These are my favorite
  5. Dovahkiin


    Even though I suffer from social anxiety, I can go to Disneyland and be 110% fine. :) Have any of you been some where and been totally fine when there are a lot of people. I think with me it's interacting with people.