Recent content by Coper

  1. Coper

    Annoying Newspaper Column

    I finally clicked on a recent Maureen Dowd column for the NY Times called "An Ideal Husband." I noticed it was spending several days near the top of the Times' most emailed stories list, so I wondered what all the fuss was about. It turned out to be a list of marital advice, specifically about...
  2. Coper


    How do you feel about escapist fantasy? I'm thinking in particular of fantasy in the form of novels, movies, video games, comics etc., but I don't just mean fantasy as in the genre of The Lord of the Rings; I mean any sort of fiction that lets you escape from your own life into something more...
  3. Coper

    Do you ever want to have children?

    I don't. Mainly, I think it would put me in all sorts of situations that would make me socially anxious. Secondly, I think about all the grief I've caused my parents, and I wouldn't want to have to put up with that from my hypothetical children. Thirdly, I worry that they would inherit SA and/or...
  4. Coper

    Weird/funny experiences with meds

    When I first entered treatment for depression and SA, my doctors tried a ton of different meds on me. None really worked, but a few did have weird side effects. I was wondering if anyone else has had similar experiences. Anyway, the weirdest side effects I had: nardil: lost the ability to pee...