Weird/funny experiences with meds


Active member
When I first entered treatment for depression and SA, my doctors tried a ton of different meds on me. None really worked, but a few did have weird side effects. I was wondering if anyone else has had similar experiences. Anyway, the weirdest side effects I had:

nardil: lost the ability to pee for a couple of (very unpleasant) days. 8O

zyprexa: gained 40 pounds in, like, 3 weeks.

dexedrine: Unlike the other 2, this one was kind of fun :D. I got so speedy when I first started taking it that I didn't sleep for about 3 days. I was at a dinner party the first night I was on it, and I was just talking incessantly to everyone within earshot, which is about as uncharacteristic of me as blowing smoke rings out of my ears. I also remember passing the sleepless nights compulsively speed-reading the entire newspaper. Of course, I quickly built up a tolerance and the drug had no discernible effect after that.

I have to wonder what my psychiatrist was thinking, prescribing me zyprexa and dexedrine, especially in the dose he prescribed, which was evidently too high, but in any case neither drug really fit my symptoms. After a while I got tired of being a guinea pig and started refusing to try new drugs. I have stuck with effexor for years. I can't really tell if it helps at all, but at least it doesn't have any extreme side effects.


I was first prescribed seroxat or paxil depending on where u live,it was weird because it had pros and cons.
The pros were that I had really vivid dreams which was nice, it also seemed to make me very tolerant to alcohol where I didnt really seem to get drunk but it did make me very aggressive when drinking to the point where I actually revelled in getting into brawls.I never had a hangover either while on seroxat.
It also made me totally un-interested in sex as any other drug seems to do.


Active member
Yeah, I can remember the vivid dream thing too, from when I first started taking SSRI's. I can't say that it was an especially pleasant phenomenon for me, since my dreams were usually about things that made me anxious, especially school. Even so, when I was at my lowest point with depression, I looked forward to sleeping.

When I first got depressed I was in high school, and my grades started to slip, and eventually I dropped out. I would constantly dream about having to go back to my old school to finish, even though I finished the following year at another school. In fact, I had that dream again just recently, and I've been done with high school for 8 friggin years. In my dream I was still 28 and still going to grad school, but I was going back to high school for the summer to try to finish up those last few credits I needed.


Well-known member
I also take zyprexa for depression/anxiety/social phobia, although it is firstly for schizophrenia or bipolar it is prescribed to calm to brain down (its a trank) so you have more control over your thinking processes. Weight gain is a problem for most people on zyprexa but for me weight gain was a plus. I never got any strange side effects when I was on Lexapro (SSRI) while I was on it. Funny you should mention Effexor because I started on it just 2 days ago.


Well-known member
When i was 19 I took a whole heap of xanax just to see wat would happen and i slepts for 3 days.


Active member
SocialButterSlip said:
Lexapro i found it real hard to ejaculate, while on it.

Yeah, I've had that problem with SSRI's. I had it the worst with nardil, though, shortly before the urinary problems set in. I probably set my personal endurance record for masturbation then. :lol:

Lexmark said:
When i was 19 I took a whole heap of xanax just to see wat would happen and i slepts for 3 days.

Wow. What did you feel like when you woke up? I always get a sore back if I oversleep even by just a couple hours.