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  • Does your school have any more important events that seem interesting to you? Have you heard of any conventions in your area?
    I did find 1 but he was too dear and it was a hassle as he lived an hour away. I've been meaning to listen to regina sometime but havn't got around to it yet. I actually found the vitamin string quartet since they did a cover of one of florences songs
    You "sound" happy; what's got your spirits up?

    Eh, I've got more plot points and I'm getting finished with some of my characters. How about your story; you find some new inspiration?
    An eelctric viola sounds cool. She inspired me to get a violin, which I never tuned or found a tutor to show me how it works so its been sitting in a case for about a year. I only have the 'unlaced' bit of that album. My favourite artist ever would be florence and the machine, but rasputina (who use cellos and electric cellos) are really good too. Who else do you like?
    I love those squigly lines! They are fantastic! Alas they don't come up on my phone (current access) BUT all is not lost. The smiley faces appear as what I can only describe as little green alien slugs o_O hehe green alien slug hehe which never ceases to amuse me :) hehehe. Little amuses the simple-thats what my mam used to say to me haha she was right! :)
    Really? (googles) weirdness! Right you are, smrte is an actual word :) and a thyroid thing heh I just meant it as in me incorrectly spelling smart.....(I want to say mispell....but I can't spell that irony intended )hehe
    Well the first one I heard was opheliac but my favourite is either misery loves company(can relate to that one a bit) and I want my innocence back. I think her new album will be out soon.
    A mixture of reasons really, this place kinda took me over for a while and started doing me more harm than good. My own fault.
    You're bipolar?
    One plot point I came up with is in The Hunter; you see, Snow's job is supposed to be a secret. But, after one mission, which I'm still trying to work out, The Hunter gets out a bit. Normally, Snow's eyes are blue, but, now, he has one blue eye and a yellow eye of The Hunter. The people know The Hunter's eye color, so he has to keep things a secret until he can fix it. On top of that, he can't transform.

    In Ariel, the Seven Archangels have gotten together and the Seven Princes of Hell have revealed themselves. This plot point involves the Archangels going to go take down Leviathan, who's situated in the waters near Japan. Ariel and Gabriel go out and get into a fight with him, but they can't reach him. So Michael, who's on the other side of the world, cuts a split into the ocean so that they can. I know Leviathan's going to get out of the water, but I can't think of anything else after that.
    Maybe, but watching it should give you a better understanding of it.

    As for me, I think I've gotten some new plot points for my stories. Why did you start anew?
    I'm not too bad thanks, you?
    I used to be a member for a pretty long time but left, but yeah I like it and kinda missed the place :)
    Kyousuke Kousaka, the older brother brother of Kirino Kousaka, finds an anime DVD case in the front of his house. The case unexpectedly has a little-sister themed porn game called "Let's Make Love with Little Sister!". Naturally, Kyousuke freaks out and tries to figure out who the game belongs to. It turns out that it belongs to Kirino and after a series of events, Kirino makes Kyousuke promise never to tell anyone and the series is basically a story of how Kyousuke helps his sister with her hobby and how Kyousuke becomes an otaku himself and how the two become closer as siblings (or so we're to think). I think that's a good enough synopsis.
    So, have you come up with any new material for your story?
    You're not a loser for not going; I went and, if you're anything like me, you didn't miss much. It was just people acting out, same as during school hours, except they wore sophisticated clothing.
    My favorite anime is (shortened form) Oreimo and I'm still reading Furies of Calderon.
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