How many years have you lived alone?


12 years, since 2001

Before that, with lots of people. Two if us in 2000

Had 6 girls living in my home. One at a time. Lived at each others' including another country

Seen no person since Christmas. :crying:
This would be a good candidate for a poll. But, too late now :(

It's been about 14-15 years now. Never flatted with anybody, always just me alone. Prefer it that way, my place, my space, my time, my stuff, my way/s, my isolation. Nobody else to muck with any of that.

Of course there are some not-so-positives - boredom, dullness, tedium, loneliness, misery - but just for some of the time. It's the price i have chosen to pay for this hermitary life i lead...


Well-known member
Well, I lived at my family until I was 22, then I moved out and shared a flat with friends for a decade, and now I live alone since a year.


Well-known member
I moved out at 30yo into my own place, so iv'e lived alone for the last 2 yrs & it does get very lonely, i need a girlfriend that also suffers with social anxiety then it would be cool!


Well-known member
Been in this apt about 3-4 yrs now... Lived alone for about 6-7 years when I was in my twenties. I suspect this'll be a longer stretch than that.
I enjoy it... I guess I wouldn't mind living with somebody... Want my own bathroom though. :)