Feel angry and guilty if i miss a workout


Well-known member
I workout with weights every other day, nothing too serious just to keep in shape, i actually worry that i'm going to miss a day and spoil my routine. Does anyone else get guilty and angry if they miss a workout?


Well-known member
Oh yeah man. Today I went cycling in the rain, I'd rather get wet than miss a days exercise/working out.
I get more disappointed with myself than angry. I'm also abit strange when I comes to food. I can't really allow myself to have any kinda of treat, If I do I have to get rid of the calories one way or the other.


I have to go out cycling or jogging or at least walking every day. If I can´t, it makes me very frustrated. I can´t understand how others can always feel so relaxed. When at home, I go on my bike every day 16-20 km, if it´s rain, snow, ice... crazy I know, don´t know anyone else doing so much excercise. I am not doing it because of my body to keep it in shape or to have a nice figure or to be healthy or from any other reason than that I just need excercise in order not to feel bad. Partly it is my crazy mind also, an iron habit.


Well-known member
People with OCD get angry when they miss a routine like washing their hands a certain number of times, or not touching all the mailboxes before getting their mail. I'm not saying you have OCD, but "getting flustered and anxious" when you're not physically able to complete a certain routine tends to eventually blossom into obsessiveness.

Is obsessiveness a good thing to have? I'm not sure, but like all things, it's probably bad when taken to the extreme.


Well-known member
I have to go out cycling or jogging or at least walking every day. If I can´t, it makes me very frustrated. I can´t understand how others can always feel so relaxed. When at home, I go on my bike every day 16-20 km, if it´s rain, snow, ice... crazy I know, don´t know anyone else doing so much excercise. I am not doing it because of my body to keep it in shape or to have a nice figure or to be healthy or from any other reason than that I just need excercise in order not to feel bad. Partly it is my crazy mind also, an iron habit.

I do exactly the same. 12 miles cycling every day, rain or shine. If I have to miss a day for some reason I can feel the tension and anxiety building.


Yea, I'm just mad that I haven't even begun to lift my weights. They just sit there collecting dust. Everyday I say I will start lifting, by I just never get to it.


Well-known member
Once you get to a routine it becomes easier Jannah. I've gone through periods where i stop and start but since loosing my job i have time so i have stuck to a regular routine. There's nothing worse than stopping a routine and having to start again. I don't think i could start cycling again, even though i was obsessive when i was younger.